Quick image adjustments in InDesign
Sometimes when creating a document I need to ever so slightly brighten the image or adjust the contrast, maybe increase the saturation; and standard workflow means pulling these up in Photoshop and applying the changes and the saving (often as a new file so as to preserve the original).
This always seems like alot of effort for something that I feel could be done on InDesigns side.
I am suggesting image quick adjustments.
So an image is coming out slightly too dark. No worries, right click, apply quick adjustments. A new tool box will open that will have basic image adjustments (brightness, contrast, saturation etc) all on sliders that one can apply to the selected image. These changes are then applied to the image non-destructively and can be edited or removed at any time.
The changes made should be able to be saved as object styles.
I feel this will increase work flow in a lot of design situations, be very user friendly so wont be any learning curve and keep InDesign ahead of the competition.

Thank you for voting for the feature request.
It will be helpful if you can add your responses for the below queries.
1. In the absence of this feature in InDesign – how do you make these adjustments today?
2. Once the image is imported into InDesign, what kind of adjustments do you mostly need?
3. On an average, in a project, how many images need adjustments once they are imported into InDesign?
Safwan commented
InDesign is very poor in the image manipulation field (even Word is much more powerful in such area!)
make image manipulation stronger, like adding the ability to "recolor" or "desaturate"... -
M. Robelin commented
Avoir la possibilité de jouer sur le contraste, la lumière, la saturation et la teinte des couleurs dans le nuancier