Searchable keyboard shortcuts (as per Illustrator)
Could we get a searchable keyboard shortcuts interface like Illustrator's? It's really handy for rapidly changing keyboard shortcut settings.

Rocky Berlier commented
Something that should have been implemented from the beginning.
nicky commented
Is it possible that only 22 people are interested in this small function but with great potential and convenience in implementing keyboard shortcuts? If we don't believe it how can they believe it Adobe programmers. however these programmers are really asleep. instead of implementing useless features, improving existing ones.
Thibaud Teti commented
seriously Adobe , don't you ever use your own programs ? do you think we're having a good user experience by going into every panel to locate the tools we need ? your lack of ambition is appalling
nicky commented
This is a small feature that you need to implement, but trust me it is something very useful.
The commands inside Indesign are so many but often (99%) it really serves to speed up the workflow, enter quick keyboard commands. Indesign makes this possibility available to us but makes it difficult, slow and frustrating for us to search for the command within the many lists.
Scrolling through the list several times we discover that there are functions to which we assign commands that we didn't even know we could assign a quick command.
Here is an Input text form to search within the menu commands is something useful and sensible. Imagine even Illustrator has it !! Just go and copy the code written in Illustrator :) -
ID_gambare commented
(description in Japanese)
[キーボードショートカット]のダイアログボックスに「検索機能」が欲しいです。Illustratorにはあります。InDesignは機能が多いので、いつも探すのが大変です。 -
Jack Brannen commented
This is so obvious that it's kind of frustrating it hasn't been implemented.
Anonymous commented
Really needed please!
Tim Newcombe commented
Seriously, scrolling through that list of menus and panel entries is absurd, and that's assuming you even know where the particular command you need is buried. Search field *please*.
Anonymous commented
When I open InDesign 2020, I can no longer use my keyboard shortcuts to open a new document or change document size, etc. I have to now go the long way and go under File>New first, then it allows shortcuts.
Anonymous commented
my experience: edit > keyboard shortcuts > panel menus > scroll and can't find the shortcut I want to edit. wishing I could search and jump to it. not even sure what it's called so I wish the search would also be flexible enough to suggest shortcuts I might be looking for, not just exact matches.
Julian commented
Yeah that would be nice, just was about to suggest the same.
Search by assigned shortcut would be amazing as well.