Hey Adobe, stop changing interfaces and ENOUGH WITH THE STUPID QUIPS. "When in doubt make a layout", "Let's design great graphics ...Really?
Hey Adobe, stop changing interfaces and ENOUGH WITH THE STUPID QUIPS. "When in doubt make a layout", "Let's design great graphics today Brian", "Put your projects into focus today" ...Really? I use Adobe for my job, I am already doing these things, I dont need a fucking reminder from YOU to do my job. STOP IT.

John Wulf commented
OMFG Adobe changed it's LAYOUT AGAIN. WTF would they FORCE A CHANGE on me that I did not ask for, and break something that was working just fine. OVERNIGHT I wake up to find out, I have to now go spend hours figuring out how to put it all back the way it was. I do not have time for this ****!
Ivan Van Laningham commented
Also, stop removing options. Stop removing "save as" formats so we HAVE to save things as a copy. To guard against mistakes, I have the prompt before overwriting flag turned on. I don't want to have to click-click-save-click-ok-click-click-yes-i-really-mean-it-oh-no-maybe-you-made-a-mistake-again-are-you-sure-really?-truly?-ok-ok-wait-don't-you-want-to-save-this-thing-we-changed-for-you-that-you-didn't-tell-us-to?-ok?-ok?-do-you-really-really-love-me? EVERY TIME I SAVE SOMETHING. Hard as it is for you to believe, I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING! I am a grownup. I have been voting for sixty years, please treat me like it.
Jiri commented
Agree. Stop making new gadgets for amateurs and complicate users' lives. And - do something with speed software (indesign, photoshop). I have an new i7 / 16GB /ssd and the new versions are tragically slow.
Sam commented
I like these quotes, esp. "When in doubt make a layout" is cool. I'm using the tools also on a daily base for my job and I feel inspired by the quotes. Esp. this one is indeed how I work. A layout is from a neuro-cognitive standpoint a helpful visual pattern, that is supposed to convey complex ideas to a community who can more easily memorise and intellectually digest it. This quote is not at all stupid
Beau Barnett commented
it's like a thorn in my repetitive strain injury every time i see it. who's the brainiac who thought people who sling these types of slogans every minute, every day, would want to see another every time they open a file.
Evan commented
Soon, Adobe will give us something like the infamous 'Clippy' in Word.
“Hey Bro! It looks like you're trying to adjust your margins! Would you like me to move your entire design around and ***** everything up for you too?"
Oh wait...they already did that with the whole Layout Adjustment debacle.
Treat us like professionals, please.
Jim commented
I agree! Stow that ****.
Anonymous commented
Yeah. This is so lame. Adobe is becoming a kind of early 2000s Microsoft, stuck with outdated code that would take too long to refactor, trying to cover it all up with attitude. Adobe is no longer a cool, hip, exciting software company, and I'd be totally cool with that, if it didn't look like a dad trying too hard at a kid's party.
Old School commented
Agree with the OP, here , although I've generally appreciated Adobe software over the years.
Perhaps most people won't care much, and it's not the biggest deal in the world, but I did not give this application permission to talk to me (and address me by name) as if it personally knows me. It doesn't. This kind of pseudo-human connection from an inanimate piece of software is part of a larger creepy and stupid trend society must now endure more of due to the "internet of things" and other similar nonsense.
These sad surrogates for genuine human connection that once took place among human beings is spreading like disease, and no, it's not cute. In the wise words of the late George Carlin: "It's B.S. and it's bad for ya."
Now let's knock it off and grow up.
Deb commented
I agree with Anonymous. Adobe, please hire grown-ups to design your user interfaces. Save your cutesy condescending messages for social media where they might actually give a ****.
Allen commented
The startup page should use its real estate for more important things, like controlling the Recents list. It's also insulting to the intelligence of the user to throw pep-talk at her or him. Professional tools are the WRONG place for this kind of condescending, childish, totally irrelevant noise.
Dave commented
I don't mind the start menu; I like the interface fine. But I don't need the cheery-beery greetings, like: "When in doubt, make a layout". Seriously lame.
ADVICE: Keep your day job, leave the poetry to the poets.
Colin Flashman commented
If you want to hide the start menu for good, uncheck the 'show "start" Workspace when no documents are open' checkbox in the preferences/general.
If having no luck with this, make a new blank text file in notepad or textedit and add the following line:
app.generalPreferences.showWhatsNewOnStartup = false;
save the file as "goawaystartupscreen.jsx" and save it to the following location:
/Applications/Adobe InDesign CC 2019/Scripts/startup scripts/goawaystartupscreen.jsx -
Anonymous commented
Dear Adobe, please stop with the totally dorky "PUT YOUR PROJECTS IN DISORDER TODAY" This idiotic pop-up went away for a couple of days and now it's back with a vengeance. Momentarily I thought you had come to your senses. Adobe CC 18 please grow up. At least, give us the option of turning it off. Whose stupid idea was this anyway. What an idiot.
Don Gosney commented
I'm just using PS and am REALLY getting tired of the "Put your projects into focus today" window. Should I really have to pay $600 a year to have to close this window a couple of hundred times per day? We don't even know what this window is called so we don't know what to look for to disable it.
Mary S commented
I agree that these condescending and fake-friendly messages are childish and annoying for someone who has been using Adobe products and their predecessors for 30+ years. I want an option to disable those home screen messages.
Maik commented
How do you have such? I've never seen Indesign or any other Adobe tool giving me tips or nagging me.
Anonymous commented
Hey Adobe, stop changing interfaces and ENOUGH WITH THE STUPID QUIPS. "When in doubt make a layout", "Let's design great graphics today Brian", "Put your projects into focus today" ...Really? I use Adobe for my job, I am already doing these things, I dont need a fucking reminder from YOU to do my job. STOP IT.