endnote renumbering
Please Please add a feature that allows endnotes to renumber with each section within the same document.

bb commented
As a publisher adhering to the Chicago Manual of Style, it is crucial for us to have the ability to set sections as renumbering points for endnotes. We have to keep our text in a single story, and the current numbering limitation forces us to convert endnotes to static notes, a process that is both inefficient and prone to errors. Implementing a "section" renumbering option would significantly enhance our workflow and allow us to fully utilize the Endnotes feature in InDesign. This addition would be invaluable for maintaining accuracy and efficiency.
Gretchen Logterman commented
Agree. I also create a lot of books, and this feature would make my life MUCH easier.
Grzegorz commented
This feature is much needed. I make over one hundred books a year so you can believe me.
Tobias Wantzen commented
Without the need to break the text chain – oh yes!