Sharable Publish Online Dashboard
I would like multiple users to be able to update on a single dashboard. We like the idea of being able to update an existing link instead of replacing it which can be a lot more work. Currently, if we link a published file to our website and only one person can update it that's a problem, for obvious reasons. The single file might be linked in multiple places and turn into a tedious workload.
I'm wishing for an upgrade for InDesign to do this and make this tool even more powerful, it will be awesome!!
Tim Reid commented
Just jumping on the back of this; I think this is a crucial upgrade and I'm shocked that the dashboard doesn't have this already.
I work in a team, as I'm sure most Adobe customers do, when it comes time to upload an ePub we have to log out of our personal accounts, then sign back in with our global master account then publish from there. The reason being; if somebody leaves, all of their ePubs links leave with them.
Switching accounts like this is a hassle, as you're battling caches/saved passwords the whole time, plus the client always wants changes (right?!) so you have to do this over and over again. The practicality is that the design team doesn't actually do this login/logout practice, and so in the future we're predicting a massive loss of files when people eventually move on.
A communal team dashboard sounds great, but I'm sure that might be a lot of work. What about in the meantime just a simple 'permissions' tab in the settings. Click in, assign to another team member, done.
I'm sure every Adobe client in a corporate setting would benefit from this.
Thank you for your time.
Sara Bequette commented
Yes, yes, and YESterday! Please implement this feature.
Jean-Claude Tremblay commented
In fact, any user of CC subscription for team NEED to access and update the same Dashboard.