allow me to hide/unhide some tools on main tool panel
some tools (page tool, gap tool, content collector) are rarely used and I'd like to stop accidentally selecting them, I'd like to hide some of them some of the time.

With InDesign 20.2 Release, Eyedropper Tool has been brought above the Color Theme Tool by default.
You can download InDesign 20.2 from the CCD App.
Adobe InDesign team
William commented
All the comments in this stream are very relevant! We should be able to arrange the tools to reflect what we use most.
gregdot commented
Just let me hide Color Theme Tool, or at least bump it down so it's not the default eyedropper tool
William commented
Allowing us more control over what tools appear would be extremely helpful! And, yes, the location of that stupid page tool is incredibly annoying (and I've never used it!)
Ed Schutte commented
I never use the color theme pipette, but when I want to use the normal pipette it always shows up first, annoying.
Glenn Wills commented
That stupid "Type on a path" tool
Anonymous commented
that stupid page tool!!!
BARNEY KANE commented
the stupid Scale Tool
El Bouriko commented
I am so tired of messing up because I accidentally select the page tool (Which I have NEVER ONCE used intentionnally).
Could you put some smart brains on this task, so we can customize the tool pannel the way we want to have it.
thanks in advance.
Elsabe commented
Please allow us to customise our toolbars according to our own workflows. The amount of times I have created chaos in a document because of accidentally clicking "Page Tool" which is situated right below the most frequently used pointer tools, is too many.
Babs in Atlanta commented
PLEASE add this feature. The page tool haunts me. I have used it 1 time in 9 years and it's in the way. Thank you!
Anonymous commented
same same. 1. eye dropper color thing --I never want to use it. 2. type on a path. I would rather not have it on the toolbar and get it somewhere else. 3.And I never want to use the library, but it always comes up.
Steve commented
YES PLEASE! Especially the Color Eyedropper which i NEVER use. Why is it the default??? Also the Content Collector tool which I'm constantly clicking instead of the Type tool.
Anonymous commented
yes, how do I hide/remove the page tool. keep accidentally clicking on it
Anne commented
Yes!! Since the last update, I am so sick of having to click into the eyedropper tool, since you have the color dropper as the default. What the heck!? I never use it, and this extra step is messing up my workflow, and seriously annoying me every day. To clarify - I want the regular eyedropper to be the default tool under that grouping, not the color dropper. If I could remove the color dropper I would.
J Larson commented
Yes please!