MathML Support
We need to have InDesign to support MathML, this is much awaited feature, but not supporting in InDesign yet.
Currently we're using 3rd party plugins such as MathType, MathTools, PowerMath, etc. but not meeting our expectation, also high license cost than InDesign.
@ALL: Please support to include this feature in InDesign in the very near release.

MathML support was added to InDesign 2025 version.
Work on adding more options in future releases of InDesign has started.
Adobe InDesign team
Anonymous commented
Yes, please! I have hundreds of equations to place in a tech manual. Seriously, this is not adequate!
Brijesh Kumar commented
It would be good that IDML has MathML support and Math equations and Scientific notations could be authored and embedded seamlessly in InDesign documents. The InDesign Math Editor could import and export in MathML format.
Petri Vatilo commented
This is basic functionality nowdays. Every text editor can do it.
Erasmus Kratos commented
@Adobe the world is begging for this feature for years now since CS2 I think it's time for you to grant our wish.
Manikandan commented
Any update on Math program requirement, where InDesign stands now.
Quark is providing Math support now a days. -
Anonymous commented
Yeah, this is needed. For those doing work for ANY science/STEM for Math, or Engineering, or Technology need this.
Nothing much else need be stated.
aak commented
Please also make it work for ePubs: superscripts, subscripts, symbols, ornaments need to export correctly.
Anonymous commented
please we need it.
gautier commented
We need MathMl support !
puneet jain commented
hello mam. i use the adobe indesign cs 6 or cc in windows operating system, how can create a math and chemistry equation in adobe indesign cs6 or cc upgrade version, i can't create a equation.I want a equation in the middle,right,left of text in my document in default size and format. I want a tutorial in English , I can’t the equation in my document,
mam mathmagic is not working indesign.. i have trail version please uplaod the tutorial in youtube , how can used it in indesign ccs6 or cc in windows operating system..
reply me as soon as possible. thanking youplease explain step my by in english and other language hindi .... please provide me a tutorails vedio also
Puneet jain
Shelley Mitchell commented
The lack of support for MathML in InDesign is a huge headache. Besides the hassle, the time and costs associated for work arounds is a real hindrance for many. Would love to see this feature added.
Raja, Gejaraj commented
@Adobe: Could you please update the plan on including this feature in InDesign CC?
Andrei Ambrazevich commented
Well, perhaps the simplest and easy-to-use tool for me (as a designer) was MathML Kit for Adobe CS. If my memory doesn't trick me it's not an Adobe product but a third-party solution. But it felt quite light and useful for me as it helps to automate such operations like import of MathML formulas. Yes, there're some other apps like MathType but they seemed too difficult and bulky for me and obviously I don't need an editor for math expressions. The thing is just to put them in a .indd and get a vector-like quality output. That's it. For everyone's interested you may find the Kit right here -
Antonella De Lorenzi commented
Sarebbe fantastico se InDesign integrasse un editor di formule matematiche. Attendiamo fiduciosi Grazie
Ross King commented
This would be an awesome addition to indesign! Trying to do my invoices so they look nice but having to do the manual calculations and retyping totals over and over again takes an unnecessarily long time!
Raja, Gejaraj commented
It became now 1 year for the request placed to include this feature in InDesign, but no confirmation received yet from Adobe even it's voted and retaining as Top 1 position for a long-time, really worrying now that whether Adobe is considering this feature for the upcoming InDesign version CC 2020?
Anonymous commented
A lot features are added to inDesign every year to justify the subscriptions, but most of these I find I rarely use. In fact many new features seem to like bloat the application to me, getting in the way of production.
Now why can't we have something that is actually useful like this? Support for MathML would a welcome, valuable addition to InDesign.
Jaco De Bruin commented
@Adobe Can you please implement this in the very near future. We do math publications for publishers but unfortunately it is not financially viable anymore as the licensing costs are getting too high. My last project exactly 33% of the total cost of the project went towards a math plug-in that is only valid for three months. The lack of math support is starting to kill our business.
Guido Benigni commented
I'm sick and tired to have to export Word doc as a pdf, select each one of the equations in Illustrator, and then reimport every single one in InDesign. And it doesn't work every time. This is crazy.
Pleaaaase -
vera commented
This is a very important feature