MathML Support
We need to have InDesign to support MathML, this is much awaited feature, but not supporting in InDesign yet.
Currently we're using 3rd party plugins such as MathType, MathTools, PowerMath, etc. but not meeting our expectation, also high license cost than InDesign.
@ALL: Please support to include this feature in InDesign in the very near release.

MathML support was added to InDesign 2025 version.
Work on adding more options in future releases of InDesign has started.
Adobe InDesign team
Baljit Dhaka commented
KIndly include features in InDesign to copy maths equations, charts, diagram etc of algebra, geometry, mensuration, pie charts, bar chart to copy from already typed in google live doc and MS word to directly paste in indesign. This is the most useful feature for publishing maths, reasoning books. Currently indesgin does not support this.
copy paste from google doc to InDesign mathematical equation features
Mario Blazquez de Paz commented
I agree with most of the comments. We need a mathematical tool within InDesign. I teach economics at the university, and I miss this tool for my presentations. I hope that Adobe fix this problem as soon as possible. Best regards!
Vincent commented
Importing or placing the Word file with a lot of formules give huge problems. I hope Adobe will soon solve this problem!
Anonymous commented
Hello! Any updates on this request? It would be helpful if InDesign has this feature rather than get a third party plugin/extension.
Danny commented
Yes, I would love an easy way to create math problems. Especially vertically stacked problems similar to long division problems. I haven't found an easy way to do that yet. But if there was one, I would be a happy guy. Right now, I am more of a sad guy.
Raja, Gejaraj commented
@Adobe: This new feature is pending for a long time, like for more than 3 years, please confirm whether it can be included in the year 2021 at least?
Raja, Gejaraj commented
@Aurelian Tudorache: Like to know further details on EasyMath, please confirm:
(1) Please confirm whether we've trial version to test
(2) Our input will be XML with equations in TeX/LaTeX code, please confirm whether we can convert the same into Math expression globally using InDesign scripts, instead of converting into one-by-one
(3) We need to extract the final TeX/LaTeX coding from the current InDesign file, please confirm the feasibility
(4) We need to apply specific template fonts to these Math expressions, please confirm the feasibility
(5) We also need to apply colors to the Math for some designs, please confirm the feasibility
(6) We also have equations in MathML, please confirm the plan on enhancing this plug-in to accept MathML as well
(7) Also please confirm whether this plug-in will allow Math expressions even inside tables and another text frames
(8) Also like to know how the equations will break automatically when exceeding the current file text area -
Michael Righetti commented
just add it
Pierre commented
We need it too!
Word can do it, InDesign needs to do better -
Anonymous commented
yes sure it must
Anonymous commented
Much needed
Anonymous commented
We need this!
Michel Sena commented
we need this for god sake
Anonymous commented
Yes please!
Studio Panejo commented
I need it so much too.
Anonymous commented
Please add this feature to InDesign, including accessibility, we're desperately in need of this function in our workflow.
Cary Millsap commented
Please. TeX or LaTeX interface (like in Keynote) would be ideal.
Qing commented
In-TeX/LaTeX is one good tool to convert LaTeX codes to PDF in InDesign , if MacTeX or TeXLIve has installed in your OS (macOS/Windows).
samvel barsegian commented
Please include it, This is an essential feature!
Carlos commented
No support for maths equations in InDesign? Incredible!!!!