MathML Support
We need to have InDesign to support MathML, this is much awaited feature, but not supporting in InDesign yet.
Currently we're using 3rd party plugins such as MathType, MathTools, PowerMath, etc. but not meeting our expectation, also high license cost than InDesign.
@ALL: Please support to include this feature in InDesign in the very near release.

MathML support was added to InDesign 2025 version.
Work on adding more options in future releases of InDesign has started.
Adobe InDesign team
Feng Leon commented
I can't believe that as a typesetting software, after iterating through so many versions, it still doesn't support formulas. Nowadays, online document editors are almost standard. -
Katryne Parvais-Dion commented
We need this!
MathMagic Support commented
If you'd like to see the Conversion of MathML block to an Equation on the fly... screenshot attached.
Please make sure the Smart Quotes are not enabled and not used in the MathML expression.
MathMagic Support commented
For those who need to convert MathML into equation within InDesign document....
MathMagic Pro supports converting the MathML expression block or LaTeX expression within a text box into an equation. It will automatically search the block around the cursor or just convert the selected text block into math equation, in EPS format.
The equation can also be converted to other formats such as SVG, PDF, MathML, LaTeX, PNG, JPG, ..., as necessary.
Inserted equations in a text box as inline graphics automatically align its baseline to the text baseline.
Free trial can be used to see the features.For an evaluation copy to test for a longer period, please contact us: support at
Raja, Gejaraj commented
Yes, I too agree to bring this feature from FrameMaker to InDesign, will be more good to continue with InDesign
Viacheslav Horobchenko commented
Yes, from the very beginning of InDesign's history, I wish there was support for a set of scientific formulas. Frame-Maker is very old now and completely inconvenient, in my opinion, not equal to InDesign. It would be interesting to combine their capabilities...
Raja, Gejaraj commented
Then, Adobe is promoting FrameMaker than InDesign? Definitely not, also FrameMaker not supporting MathML, but only the math expressions.
@Adobe: please respond
Viacheslav Horobchenko commented
If Adobe allows InDesign to work with full-off math texts, then it will become a competitor for the Adobe Frame Maker application, so it is absolutely impossible...
Raja, Gejaraj commented
It's requested 6 years back, but no response / action from Adobe
Shakhor Khan commented
Issue importing MsWord field code in Indesign
Julia Baker commented
I currently have to export images from MathType for use in InDesign. Onerous process.
Paula Vinagre commented
We need to make formulas in Indesign, equations, square root, etc.
علی اکبر بخشی commented
We need math equation capabilities within InDesign ASAP.
Raja G commented
@Adobe: not sure Adobe is serious about this request, since this is pending for a long-time, but much needed one. Due to this limitation, our clients/authors are started moving into another platform, such as TeX/LaTeX, which is actually free and rendering the math expressions in great manner.
If Adobe is still delaying, licenses count will be reduced much in the future. So please respond and comeback quickly with the updates.
Hope all the InDesign group supporters/users, will accept this.
Aurelian Tudorache commented
For those who need math support within InDesign and are familiarized with Tex/Latex expressions, EasyMath Panel is available for download on adobe exchange: , .
Basically, this small piece of software helps you compose, previsualize, edit, insert, scale mathematical expressions and save them to disk as svg for later edits. -
Nancy Smith commented
We need math equation capabilities within InDesign ASAP.
Geometri Öğretmeni commented
I agree with most of the comments. We need a mathematical tool within InDesign. Please add basic math equation functionality to InDesign.
Cameron Davidson commented
Yes, I agree, please add basic math equation functionality to InDesign. Perhaps accept Latex commands?
Sunni commented
The number of Federal and State Government employees (including STEM workers) in the U.S. alone that are required to make all documents 508-compliant should be enough to make it a priority to fix accessibility issues in your products. Please accommodate us, just as we have to accommodate our readers.
ChrisV commented
Please include a math equation tool in order for the users to be able to import math from word (editable) and to write from scratch (complicated) equations in indesign!