After data merge, export to split PDF
I do lots of work that involves creating personalized documents for event attendees (schedules, welcome letters, etc.). I merge attendee data from the registration site. Upon rendering a merged document, I should be able to export each page as an separate PDF using data fields as filenames. "Smith, John Itinerary.pdf" for each person, for example. The workaround for this involves generating and exporting bookmarks to Acrobat, which is convoluted and doesn't always work.

Sherry Baker commented
This is a bug. Splitting the PDF file on export has always been a selectable option. It *should* work.
TheDazzler commented
I have been using the Split PDF feature in Acrobat, and naming files to match bookmarks. It works fine but it would be great to reduce the number of steps by having this feature built in.
Sherry Baker commented
Sherry Baker commented
This has NEVER worked for me and it's frustrating to have an option for batching that doesn't work. If Adobe doesn't want to fix it, they should at least gray it out!
Mayuri Tanna commented
I was too looking for the same But I guest it is not available FREE now.
Philip Seaton commented
Colins script is GOLD. I just bought the full version. So great. Thanks!
Caixa de Guerra commented
This works a treat!! Saved me a lot of hassle. Would be good if there were more advanced file naming options such as being able to include the name of the inDesign file and add a suffix that's perhaps not in the database. So "Sales Report.indd" could generate "Sales Report <Surname>, <First Name> 2019.pdf". Still, it only takes a few minutes in Automator in OSX to add those details. Otherwise, excellent script!!
Evan Goldin commented
This script is awesome! Thank you so much.
Anonymous commented
@Colin, I used your script and I must say this is PERFECT !
I came back for a special thank you for your work, keep up that spirit, you safed me a lot of night hours. -
NEU! commented
That script is really sweet! The report text-files are really helpful catching broken links and overset text. Only one thing: Is the overset-text-check really neccessary? In my datamerge-file, the column-name is longer than the actual values, so that I had to alter the text-box size, but no wig whoop.
Colin Flashman commented
Until this is included as default, I've made a javascript that will do this directly from Data Merge without relying on bookmarks. Go to my web page (the downloads page) and try out the script "Data Merge to Unique names"
NEU! commented
There are scripts and plugins available for this task, but I like it to be build in. Also I needed an option to create single InDesign-documents for each data merged, instead of a giant big file which I have to plit.