Add lowercase, Title, and Toggle to Case in style definition options
When defining a style, under Basic Character Formats, it would be very helpful to force lowercase! (And also add Title and Toggle case options so all case possibilities are present)
This is especially needed when replacing acronyms (usually typed in all-caps in manuscripts) with the appropriate small caps. It is very time consuming to manually retype all-caps acronyms in lowercase, then apply small caps character styling to it!
Try doing this for a 300-page'll want to cut your eyes out.
lowercase was added to Character style and Paragraph style definition options in InDesign 2025 version.
Adobe InDesign team
Anonymous commented
Alison commented
and a big YES please from me. The author insists on loads of capitals everywhere, I want to find the heading style and change All Caps to Title Caps, it would save sooooo much time!
Andrew Sobotka commented
I agree that this would be a great feature to have within InDesign's paragraph or character styles.
I've been having to use lowercase much more often for titles, and it would save a step or two. -
Philip Seaton commented
I neeeed this! Pleeeeeeease please please fix this Adobe <3
Janus Bahs Jacquet commented
Using the OpenType All Small Caps is of course the correct way to go; but sometimes, you’re forced by circumstances outside your control to use fonts that do not support this feature and rely on special small-caps fonts, in which case text needs to be all-lowercase to give the same result.
Ruth Ivimey-Cook commented
Adding my vote, with the note that the reason for not being able to use the Change Case command is that I need the style for TOC reference text where the original text should not be modified.
Could I also point out that when you throw small caps into the mix, it is possibly better not to merge setting the desired character case (as in Change Case command) and setting the upper/lower case appearance (small caps etc).
Kathy Kotomaimoce commented
Still waiting for this feature.
Nora Kirkeby, production artist commented
For whatever reason the lowercase and sentence case options are available from the top menu under Type, but are not enabled in the paragraph style options. Please cross-enable the features. I recently had a client change the ingredients in a 200 page recipe book from sentence case to all lowercase. I ultimately ran a find and replace by style using GREP code, but it would've been much easier and more efficient to be able to build this into the styles.
Chrissy commented
This would also be helpful for data merging addresses where the customer wants all lower case addresses.
Jake Weiss commented
Please add this feature!
Anonymous commented
How is this not an option yet???
Leanne Wilson commented
Please add all the case options in paragraph styles.
Jeremy Hart commented
Seriously, all the coding has been done (probably), please make an effort to make as much as possible controllable via paragraph and character styles. -
Anonymous commented
Big thumbs up on this one! Huge time saver.
Anonymous commented
Yes please! Add all the case options in paragraph styles. Currently amending a 100 page document :-(
Chris T Green commented
I, too, have a multi-page document for which having Title/Sentence case in the Character/Paragraph Styles would simplify its production.
Raphaël Freeman commented
Why can’t you just use the ALL SMALL CAPS feature for acronyms?
Matt Picone commented
Carolyn commented
Please, let us set lowercase and Title Case to paragraph and character styles. This is way overdue.
Lindsey Thomas Martin commented
Going a little beyond the initial request, it would be useful if title case followed the rules about which words are not to be capitalised: usually, articles, conjunctions and prepositions that do not occur as the first word in the title.