please add the tools math and chemistry equation,
please add the tools or plugins ,how can create a math and chemistry equation in adobe indesign cs6 or cc upgrade version, i can't create a equation. i used olad applcaition adobe pagemaker 5 or 7 i can create the math and chemistry equation in it , but i cant create a equitation in it i used the 3rd party plugin , this appcation i used it in adobe pagemaker, but this plugin i can't used it in indign cc or cs6 , i want a eqautiion in text document in default setting , size and font ,
reply me as soon as possible

MathMagic Support commented
MathMagic used to support Adobe InDesign, since InDesign v2.0.
The current version supports InDesign CC 20xx as well. -
Fundamental atualização.
Qing commented
In-TeX/LaTeX is a JavaScript tool to compile LaTeX codes to PDF in InDesign, You can create a math and chemistry equation in InDesign both macOS and Windows.
for more: -
Vivek Tank commented
Yes, Please,. I will highly appreciate you for this.
Aurelian Tudorache commented
For those who need math support within InDesign and are familiarized with Tex/Latex expressions, EasyMath Panel is available for download on adobe exchange:
Basically, this small piece of software helps you compose, previsualize, edit, insert, scale mathematical expressions and save them to disk as svg for later edits. -
Paulo commented
We are going to 2021 and still this features wasn't released!
Debra commented
Math and equation functionality are very important to science and educational uses! This functionality is desperately needed. Word has an easy to use equation editor, and it would be so useful to be able to simply place Word documents with these equations in InDesign. Of course, we would also need accessibility features for equations as well.
Sophie commented
Really silly that you have to pay $289 to buy a package for in-program math equation editing. I would be much happier with InDesign if math equation editing was native to the program.
Anonymous commented
yes, Please,. I will highly appreciate you for this.
Anonymous commented
Please yes
Mohammed commented
Please yes 👍
Mohammed commented
Yes please
ياسين العمرو commented
please add the tools or plugins
Anonymous commented
it would be cool as there are lot of people paying more fees for other plugins
Philip Saldais commented
Yes - very powerful tool to add that would truly isolate InDesign from Microsoft word in developing Maths and Chemistry resources.
Currently using MathMagic so we know it can be done.
puneet jain commented
please add the tools or plugins ,how can create a math and chemistry equation in adobe indesign cs6 or cc upgrade version, i can't create a equation. i used olad applcaition adobe pagemaker 5 or 7 i can create the math and chemistry equation in it , but i cant create a equitation in it i used the 3rd party plugin , this appcation i used it in adobe pagemaker, but this plugin i can't used it in indign cc or cs6 , i want a eqautiion in text document in default setting , size and font ,
reply me as soon as possible -
Andrei Ambrazevich commented
Probably this would help a bit - Thought this plugin doesn't mean to edit formulas at least you don't need to convert them to .eps or .pdf to get high quality print.
Venkadesh, Ravichandran commented
Please add the plugins to create a math and chemistry equation in CC upgrade version, Please do the needful ASAP.
Anonymous commented
Yes, i am also facing same Math issues in Adobe Indesign. Please provide an solution to overcome such log in future.
Srinivasan, Devaraj commented
Hello, am using MathType plug-in, but it is not supported for OTF especially in Special character. we're expecting to handle all type of complex equations and chemical equations in Adobe InDesign itself. when this will be implemented in live, please confirm.