Export interactive Document to animated GIF / or Animate CC
When making simple basic animations in InDesign I cannot work anymore with them when trying to export as «animated GIF Banner». It would be working when Animate CC could directly import my InDesign File with the working timeline … but that's not possible :-(

Creative Overlord commented
100% need the ability to export gifs directly from indesign.
I'm a freelancer for a big company whose entire design team creates gifs daily as part of a regular and fast paced workflow requiring many formats of the same design with varying specs. We would all love the ability to export INDD pages as jpgs, set some basic settings like quality and timing, then have it export as gif directly, without having to jump into PS and import as stack, change those things then export again.
We create google PMAX and display ads, EDM's, web banners, you name it, and most are gifs now, it would save so much time to skip the photoshop step. Bonus points if you could export as a looping video and set the number of loops, or set a video duration and frame time then have it work out the loops for you.
It's so so strange that INDD has this animation panel yet you can't export any of the cool effects at all unless working on epub.
Toby Nelson commented
Why in 2023 is this not possible? I can export as a jpeg so why can't indesign export a basic frame gif? Yet another way this app is so behind where it needs to be
Becky dore commented
Couldn’t agree more with those saying that this really needs to be implemented! Kind of ridiculous to have these options in InDesign but no way to export.
I’m a graphic designer and it would be very useful for a number of clients, as well as for use within my own portfolio!
Blanny commented
It would be SO useful to be able to save the simple animations that ID can do as animated gifs. Yes gif is an old format but it's rock solid.
Erika Woelke commented
Please we need this improve! Nowadays I think everybody creates to off and online. PLEASE ADOBE
Anonymous commented
so if so many people or asking for it why cant you do it?
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Justin Putney commented
It's now possible to create animated GIFs with InDesign using in5 and a free Chrome extension:
http://ajar.pro/blog/?p=3752 -
Michael Plastiras commented
Great animation features in InDesign are totally wasted, for God's sake please add a convert to animated GIF option on the next upgrade!
Hayley commented
@Brian Tippets - my thoughts exactly! What’s the point in doing animation in InDesign when you can’t even use the animation for anything. Wherever I tried to use my animation or tried to convert it I would get an error message saying it had no timeline attached. It’s a pointless feature if you can’t use the animation for anything.
Anonymous commented
Can we already expect something from an answer to this question? It seems to be a forgotten subject.
Gareth Lind commented
I was just about to request this feature. I'm creating more and more simple animated GIFs. I export the individual pages as JPGs from ID and then merge into a timeline in Photoshop. This is cumbersome – it would be great to be able to export and set page fades and other affects, much as we do with interactive PDFs. It strikes me as something that wouldn't be hard to incorporate into the existing code.
Roy Marshall commented
I would like to see this too. I am involved in scripting heavily automated InDesign files, and to be able to save as an Animate CC format would be awesome. I am not sure how scriptable Animate CC is in itself.
Brian Tippets commented
I would like to second the ability to export simple animations as an animated gif from InDesign. It's odd that there are animation abilities in InDesign but you can't export them to anything that is useful for web. You can export a SWF and FLA file which are basically useless and antiquated. Now, I realize that InDesign isn't really meant for this kind of task, but if you are including simple animation abilities in the program, you should still be able to export it out in a modern, useful file. All I'm doing is designing some web banners and would like to do a couple simple fades for a gif. They're easy to apply in InDesign, but then you can't do anything with them.