Preferences > Units & Increments should be application, not document preferences
Under Preferences > Units & Increments, the Keyboard Increments preferences should be application wide, not document specific.
People share documents and templates and have their own way of working. They expect keyboard shortcuts to work consistently. It is unintuitive if in one file point size and leading change in two point increments and in another they change in one point increments. There is no reason for these preferences to be document specific rather than application specific.

Scott Falkner | ACP commented
@Valery. I didn’t say the document units should be an application preference; I said the keyboard increment should be. Using the arrow keys to move an object or shortcuts that increase or decrease point size, leading, tracking, kerning, or baseline shift should be application preferences.
When you use those shortcuts you expect consistent results. They shouldn’t behave differently if someone else created the document you are working on.
Valeriy commented
Disagreed. I work with both metric and inch systems in different projects, and I want projects to store their units in them, not in application.
Joseph Sims commented
I came here specifically to request this. I don't care about the units being inches or points, it is ONLY the KEYBOARD INCREMENTS box that I think needs to be Application level prefs.
Steve commented
Hi Scoot,
i think there only should be an option.I often do Layouts for Web and or big Posters where you want to move shorter or wider.
But it totally make sense for most print products. Or when you edit files from other people. -
Scott Falkner | ACP commented
Perhaps I could have phrased the request better. The unit preferences (millimeters, inches, picas, etc.) should be sticky betwen documents, of course. If I'm preparing a file us No millimeters for a European publication I want that file to open in millimeters.
I was referring to the increments for movement and type size/leading. Those should be application specific. If my friend Joan likes to use half point increments and has set her preferences up that way she will use the shortcuts assuming each key press changes point size or leading by half a point. This should not change just because the file she opened was made on a different computer using different preferences.
James Riddles commented
I actually disagree with this request. I have very specific reasons for wanting to have some documents in Inches and others in Points. I work with W2P (Web to Print) systems and for the templates there are times that I require the measurements in Points for that system, but I don't design in points, I design in Inches. Therefore, when I am working on the "tagged" version of the file, I change the units to points, and move the point of origin to the bottom left, per the PDF standard. Perhaps an additional checkbox in the preferences area to override document settings, or as NEU! has commented, separate preferences for Doc and App.
NEU! commented
I at least would like to have a marker or something, if this preference im alterning is part of the document or is application-wide.
I'd rather would completely seperate these preferences for doc and app.