Move "missing links" prompt to before PDF export dialogue.
Please move the "missing fonts" or "missing links" prompts to BEFORE the PDF naming and features preferences. I makes me nuts when navigate to where I'm dropping the final export, then name it, only to have an alert pop up telling me I'm missing something. I should be told that IMMEDIATELY.

fernando commented
i came to request this very thing. or at least remember file name, export settings and folder locations so i don't have to enter them again when i have to go back and relink.
but ideally a "would you like to update links before exporting?" dialog when i go to export would be better. and the link updates should happen then without needing to exit the export dialog.
Esther commented
You can already see this, in the bottom of your working area. There's a green or red dot. If green, it says 'no errors', if red, it says 'x errors'. These errors include missing fonts, missing links, overset text, etc.
troyjack commented
I agree 1000x. Would like to see the same fix for when sending to print. Very annoying and non-efficient to set all parameters, only to be told that a link is missing or needs to be updated AFTER. This would be very beneficial to anyone working with a file with a large amount of links in a time-sensitive environment.
Evan commented
Agree. The way it works now is equivalent to a taxi driver asking you what address you would like to go to....before informing you that his cab actually has 3 flat tires and can't move. I know the info is available in the preflight panel, but that's not an excuse for bad logic. And I know many of us work often with the preflight panel turned off for performance reasons.
Colin Flashman commented
I completely agree with adding this idea. I've implemented my own script on my own machine that I call a "preflight enforcer" that either prevents execution of (or warns prior to) the opening of the export PDF dialog box. A video of the idea is available here:
Otherwise, a "traffic-light" system within the export dialog would be good (i.e. a green icon showing that all preflight items are ok within the export dialog, and red icon showing that preflight items need to be addressed).
Derek Hayn commented
Agree, this is very annoying. I was coming here to post the same issue with the print dialog. For me the issue is usually because I've forgotten to switch the transparency blend space. I need to regularly print CMYK and export RGB PDFs so it's not something that would even show in preflight. And I tend to keep preflight turned off because it slows things down.
My print driver dialogs are slow so to go through all the settings only to see a dialog box come up after hitting print and then having to go through everything again is very frustrating.
Steve Edwards commented
I think you also get an alert once you've opened the file to say that there are missing links but agree, this would be useful to have a reminder of before the PDF export stage as it can be annoying