Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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131 results found
Share for Review - support languages
We need support in other languages for instance - Chinese and India languages, possibly more.
I have colleagues globally that we use this feature so they can review translations. When they type in comments, it is only in English. I have no way of testing this but they did send this screenshot (attached). Any workarounds?
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Share for review user interface change to the same as shared online PDFs
Really like the Share for Review feature however the interface differs slightly to exporting to pdf and sharing an online pdf. Having explored both ways to get client feedback on designs, although as the designer I prefer Share for Review (the ability to update the link with latest changes and being able to review comments direct in InDesign through the 'Review' tab), the clients find the interface on the online shared pdf easier and clearer to use and less buggy. Could InDesigns Share for Review have the same interface/features as the online shared PDF interface.
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Better workflow for designers and copy edits and document syncing
Would love to be able to get editors to edit indesign files directly without uploading pdf. I spend so many hours making copy edits when I really want to focus on the design! I would love to be able to link an indesign file that anyone can open (without having an adobe account like pdf) but so our editors can edit these documents and I can hit a button in indesign to approve these comments without design being affected!
Also a way to link two copies of indesign but be able to choose what you want to be linked and…
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Allow people Tagged in comments to filter by comments they are tagged in.
We have multiple reviewers in a share for review document. When we tag them in a comment they get an email that they have been tagged. However, there is no means for them to filter comments by items they are tagged in. Sure, they can filter by reviewer, but we should also have 'filter by user tagged' OR a button that says 'show me items I am tagged in' or simply a section 'Person tagged' with a button 'Me' etc. This is valuable as it saves clients time having to scroll through comments not relevant to them and will give…
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Please give us option to ADJUST SPACE BETWEEN PAGES.
I've always used PDFs when sending clients proofs but thought I'd give the Share for Review a try. I was surprised by the small amount of space between pages, with no way to increase it. I regularly send multiple design options to clients and that small space/gap between pages makes it difficult since they all seem to blend together (the eyes don't get much of a break between options). Unfortunately, this will keep me from using the Share for Review feature so I hope you decide to add an option to adjust spacing. Thank you.
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Update the Review Panel
I have been using Share for Review for a couple of years now.
First: Kudos to Adobe for the recent update to the website tools, especially the login banner and the zoom buttons.
There are still a few things that I would suggest changing on the app side, specifically to the review panel and the window from the share drop down:
-Can we add an update button to the review panel? Or, even better, when you save (NOT Save As) have an option to update the review during the save process? Better than digging into the share windowpane just to…
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I would love to be able to create several different "share for review" files for one document
I have a file that is being proofread by three different teams; graphics, copy, and general flow. I want to be able to share a review file with each team, but do not want them all to be reviewing the same review file.
I made a work-around by saving 2 copies of the InDesign file and creating a separate review files for them, but then I have to keep the original .indd file open and attend to the edits from the other two review files using the published web review files and then transcribing them to the original .indd file.
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Share for review (Features that can improve it)
A few things that would improve this.
Auto-updating the viewer's side of the document after you save the document instead of refreshing it every time or having to update the link.
When they comment/draw on that it shows on the designer's side in the application as a popup on the document that they can add a checkmark afterward or comment if needed. This would basically bridge both ends to see live updates and live suggestions in the application and on the viewer's side.
It would also make the designer's life easier to go between tabs or applications to see the…
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Ability to add indesign reviewers on mobile
It would great to add reviewers on mobile or have the ability
to access a link that you can share with a client.1 vote -
Option to pick your default Share for Review Private or Public Access Setting
This may already be available (if so please teach me), but I don't see it.
Having the share for review option able to default to either public or private access. I can't tell you how many times I am in a rush and forget to click public and then the person gets back and says, they don't have access.
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Center and zoom in
I often find it hard to spot the pins on the canvas when reviewing comments for a busy layout. A center in and zoom level or a better highlighted pin would be awesome!
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Access setting defaults
Share for review is a game changer! Thank you! But every time the compiling and uploading is done I need to change the access type from access setting it has to re-compile and upload. This is such a shame.
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How to release an IP address on a Mac?
To release and renew your IP address in Mac OS X, you’ll use the Network system preferences to renew the DHCP Lease.
- Click the Apple button and choose System Preferences.
- Choose the Network icon.
- Select your method of connecting to the internet. In most cases it will either be Ethernet or Wi-Fi.
- Click Advanced.
- If you selected Ethernet, you should already be in the TCP/IP tab heading. If you aren’t, or if you selected Wi-Fi, click the TCP/IP tab heading.
- Click Renew DHCP Lease.
- Click OK to exit the Advanced window, and then exit System Preferences.
A restart may be…
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Share for review file management
Hi, I would like to be able to manage files I shared for review in bulk: sometimes I have a lot of files I want to delete at once, but I cannot find a way to do that (have to delete them seperately and click a confirm button again and again...) If this option already exists, please let me know where to find it!
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1 vote
"Share for review" FILTER & SORT comments
If 30 comments, I as a user would like to have "unresolved/unanswered" comments shown in bold. A small checkmark for each allows me to mark them resolved, thus they now showed as greyed out/ or crosslined.
I would like a filter to sort by
STATUS: "unresolved/ resolved" and
SORT: by date or user name1 vote -
Review: different positions for different clients
Create design previews or reviews for individual page areas for different users. For example, for a larger production, customer X is only interested in page 15, customer Y wants page 3, customer Z is only interested in page 85 at the bottom.... =) Hope you understand the idea
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Changes to the review tools
First, I'm using ID 15.1.3 and I cannot upgrade at this time. Not sure how much of these ideas would be resolved by upgrading.
-Is it possible to make pins and pencil lines transparent? There are two ways I can think of: a percentage slider just like alpha control in color settings, or a three point switch: hide/semisolid/solid. Either way I would like to see this as a control for each comment so you can choose it individually. Right now the pin or pencil line blocks the art somewhat, which is where the transparency would be handy.
-Right now, you…1 vote -
Being able to compare two proofs alongside one another in Adobe InDesign Review
This would make client work with multiple proofs a lot easier! Many review systems I've used previously do this, and I'm aware acrobat does also - but my client finds Adobe InDesign Review to be easier to use.
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Allow the 'owner' of a Share for Review document to use an alias
I'm a freelancer and it would help if I could 'mask' my real email address/identity when I use Share for Review so that my client's clients can't see who I am. Ideally I should be able to create an alias so that I appear as 'MyClient Studio' rather than a third party.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?