Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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748 results found
Add "don't show again" option to error box
See attached image.
"Invalid indent value. Indents cannot extend outside text frame."
I'd love to be rid of it, since it just appears when I hit the button one too many times.
1 vote -
Auto resize text to fit text box
Auto resize text to fit text box with a character limit would allow me to use it as a dynamic form that would be print ready.
4 votes -
Using microphone to type
Indesign (all adobe apps I use) do not recognize voice microphone (talk to text) option
I am using Mac OS with my apps to assist and InDesign will not work with talk to text feature, or simply the microphone. Is there a solution for this? I see no Adobe Apps such as Photoshop allows this functionality either and InDesign is the only one that is very important and needs to have that functionality.
Is adobe going to work on this situation? When I have to do a text heavy document and the option of talk to text is a savior.…
1 vote -
Replacement of ending Type 1 fonts
I would like to ask if it would be possible to create a setting / tool for automatic replacement of ending fonts when opening a file.
"Font 1" will automatically change to the user-preset "Font 2" when opening the file.
eg: Frutiger CE 65 Bold (ending font) => Frutiger CE Bold (user set)
It would certainly make the job easier for users, for example we have over 1000 .indd files with ending fonts, which are gradually updated regularly and everything is replaced manually. One file has over 12 missing fonts.
Thank you for your response
5 votes -
Conversion of Text Encoding
InDesign is missing a built-in function to convert different Chinese text encoding, e.g. Big5 to GBK or vice versa
Right now, the only way to do it is to do the conversion of encoding elsewhere and paste the text back in InDesign. But then all formatting will be lost
1 vote -
"Indent to here" from the right side
it would be very helpful if, beside the option "indent to here", there is another optione to set a "indent to here from the right side".
For Example if i have a text, where the last two words in the last line should be on the right side, but no text above should go as far as this two words .1 vote -
Add a Variable Fonts Option to Classification
I'd like to be able to filter all loaded variable fonts in the type menu – similar to other properties like x-height and weight.
1 vote -
Font Height Reference. Can we have this existing Illustrator functionality for Indesign?
This is very useful for producing legible large-format environmental graphics. Often distance legibility tables are based on the x-height or the cap height. Being able to set these directly without an Em box look-up will save a significant amount of time.
7 votes -
Overhaul Bullets and Numbering and add features to make it useful.
Right now the bullets and numbering features are so limited and feel like an afterthought. Here is what I need in order of importance:
The ability to format bullets/numbers so they ignore extra line spaces.
The ability to align the bullets to the center. When one bullet's verbiage is longer than one line of text the bullet stays on the first line, what I need is for the bullet to be centered with all of the lines of text in that bullet, so if you had a bullet that was three lines long, the bullet would be centered to the…
3 votes -
Add ability to convert a cross-document shared destination hyperlink to a regular URL without losing/re-entering the link
In order to help avoid broken and/or inadvertent cross-document shared links, please:
Add a function to the Edit Hyperlink dialog to CONVERT a hyperlink url currently shared from another document into a normal self-sufficient url unlinked from the source document. (Currently, making this change to a hyperlink requires the user to change the selection in the "Link To:" dropdown menu from "Shared Destination" to "URL" which clears the previous the URL, and then hunt down the source URL and manually re-input it.)
Add the ability to apply this conversion to multiple selected hyperlinks at one time from the…
2 votes -
Kennzeichnung aufeinander basierender Formate
Von der ersten Version an bis heute, vermisse ich die optische Darstellung von aufeinander basierenden Formaten in den Bedienfeldern Absatz-, Zeichen- und Objektformaten. Auf einen Blick zu wissen, welche Formate aufeinander basieren bzw. nicht basieren, sollten farblich oder mit einem grafischen Symbol gekennzeichnet werden. Eine Gruppierung von aufeinander basierenden Formaten kann ich mir auch vorstellen. Die Option für die Darstellung des Basierens sollte im Optionsmenü der Bedienfelder zu Verfügung stehen.
1 vote -
Option to List Fonts by Recently Activated
I leave a lot of fonts open. Especially with CC fonts, I find I am activating fonts more and more to test them for a project, then I have to go to the font menu and look through it to find them. A great option would be to list the fonts in order of activation. That would save some time – and I know you have an "auto-activation" feature, but for some reason, I've never warmed to that. Thanks!
1 vote -
Conditional no-break in character styles
I want an option to make no-break in character style, but if it's impossible to keep text in frame, breaking would be possible.
For example, usually I don't want to break a hyperlink in text and if I make it no breaking, very long URL's makes it impossible to keep text running in text frames.
I think there is a workaround with GREP's but that's not really solid solution for this.3 votes -
Book numbering options in one panel
Please streamline book numbering options into one panel. It's beyond aggravating to go from Layout -> Numbering & Section Options, then to the Book Panel -> Update Numbering and fumble around with that until you get it right. If the suggested panel had a "Preview" box as well, you could preview your changes until you get your desired result.
2 votes -
Find/change return to where you started, like Word
When you're done Find/Replace, InDesign leaves you at the last occurrence, and you have to navigate to where you started. In Word, most of the time the screen returns to where you started, saving you time. Any chance of adding this to InD?
1 vote -
Jumping/Toggling between 2 text boxes on same page
i have 3 text boxes on 1 page having same text content but in 3 different languages, so how can i toggle in between all 3.
1 vote -
Show accented letters with alternate glyphs
When finding a letter with an accent, currently you have to search the glyphs panel, maybe narrowing it down with the dropdown, or paste it in. What would be great would be if the accented versions of letters (e.g. è, é, ê, ë) showed underneath the alternate glyphs when a letter was selected. Even if it was only the major accents showed, this would save a lot of time. It would probably be best as an option that can be turned on or off.
1 vote -
Text "before" and "after" user-definded variables
Text variables
For "User defined text" also allow to define "Text before..." and "Text after..." as it is possible for the predefined variables (like "Output date").
We often need pre- and post-text for self-defined variables2 votes -
Improve Screen Display Quality - 4K Related
I've recently upgraded to a 4K monitor. When working on InDesign documents, the type is not "sharp". I am running in the High Quality Display setting, the text and graphics are not sharp. If I run the display driver at 150% this problem exists, if I run at 100%, the type and graphics are very sharp - as expected. So this is a Windows related issue.
Could the 150% magnification be ignored for the page display, but remain for the toolbars, etc.
I have "old" eyes from too much time in front of these monitors!
1 vote -
윈도우 11, 한글 인디자인 18.0 x64 버전 사용하고 있습니다.
한글을 입력하는 동안 문자가 완성되기 전에는 화면 좌측 상단에 입력된 내용이 표시되고 인디자인에서 작업하는 곳(입력하고 있는 곳)에는 문자가 완성된 후에 표시됩니다. 문자가 완성되기 전에도 문자의 입력 모양이 인디자인 작업 화면에 표시가 되어야 합니다.
해결 방법을 바랍니다.1 vote
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