Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
163 results found
2020 Line bugs
A bug that caused the position to change when drawing a line and increasing the length of the line.
1 vote -
Using arrow keys to move multiple objects no longer works. I get an error message about scaling... huh?
Arrow keys no longer work for nudging object position.
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lay out
when overlay is opend
the system takes a minut to load it in its longer than your screen when you dont close it soon enoug it fixes it self on your screen i tryd to close it in varios ways but it would not work. now its stuck on it and i dont get it off1 vote -
overlay glitch
when overlay is opend
the system takes a minut to load it in its longer than your screen when you dont close it soon enoug it fixes it self on your screen i tryd to close it in varios ways but it would not work. now its stuck on it and i dont get it off1 vote -
Table second row incorrect spacing by default
After including the table in the InDesign, I noticed that the second row bottom and top spacing gets automatically adjusted even if I try to adjust it manually or even after deleting the second row, the spacing on the second row is not showing up correctly. Please check attached screenshot for your review - check the second and third row spacing. Also, please check the table border lines as it is confusing.
1 vote -
Incorrect text wrap with anchored objects
In Indesign 15.0.2 a bug has arisen in the text wrap of objects anchored in the text. The images show the difference between the old in the new version of Indesign. (OS X Catalina).
1 voteHi,
This is due to the bug fix of the issue:
Text composition will now change whenever you open an older file with text wrap applied alongside text with bulletsThanks
reverse layout
Where is the Reverse Layout option in Adobe Indesign 2020? I am trying to create an arabic version of a book and have to mirror the layouts previous versions had this option. I do not seem to find this option anywhere.
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Adjust Layout cuts off images
When using adjust layout, no matter what setting are used and even when images all have "auto-fit" checked, the adjust layout function cuts off many images instead of resizing them with the frame.
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Centering lines have disappeared.
vertical and horizontal centering lines have disappeared. Pink lines used to show up when I was centering an object. Any way to get them back?
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column line
You cant make the column lines shorter in the top of a textframe when you have a preamble text in the frame. How ever, you can make the column lines shorter in the bottom of the frame. And you can make them longer in any direction. The function is there for making them shorter in the top but it¨s out of order.
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indesign canvas can not be 6500mm in CC
can not create a canvas with 6500mm, it reverts back to 5486.4 mm
As an industry standard software, you would expect that there is no limitations to the canvas size.
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The crop marks in Indesign are inaccurate by 0.04” on the horizontal plain.
The crop marks in Indesign are inaccurate by 0.04” on the horizontal plain. This is a big issue!!!
I just wanted to get this info to the developers, in hopes of a quick fix.
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When you remove a part of a grouped object, the rest of the object moves to another layer, even when that's locked!
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не активируются кнопки на панели инструменты кроме текстового фрейма
не активируются кнопки на панели инструменты кроме текстового фрейма
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When moving object or multiple objects with arrow keys odd results, sometimes scale, sometimes alignment, sometimes jumps pages
Mac OS - Updated version of InDesign CC
Too many to list but here are a few.
Nudge object with arrow keys, the height but not the width changes
Nudge multiple objects, one changes alignment
Click and drag to select object, jumps pages down in the doc
Moving object with mouse, jumps around the page
Placing image by drag and drop screen jumps around
Selecting Text , jumps around screenI have videos of all these but they are too large to post apparently.
These are a small list of issues, i get crazy things constantly, this is the buggiest…
1 vote -
tiny ui
My UI is tiny and I can't work out how to increase the size of the menus etc
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1 vote
layout anpassung für alle programme
Diese Idee umfasst alle Programme . Ausgelagerte Werkzeuge auf dem Zeiten Bildschirm und die Kopfzeile das Programms in der Jeweiligen Farbe anpassen. Wenn man mit mehreren Programmen gleichzeitig arbeitet, dient dies zur besseren Übersicht und Zuordnung der jeweiligen ausgelagerten Fenster
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non-functional „Ungroup Remembers Layers“ on duplicated page
ungroup on duplicated page move all object to one layer (ungroup remembers layers works only on „original“ page or with „copy/paste“)
1 vote -
text will only align left in Indesign 14.0.2 on Apple MacOs 10.14.3
text will only align left in Indesign 14.0.2 on Apple MacOs 10.14.3 after last update
1 voteUser confirmed that issue was resolved.
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