Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
19 results found
[ID-4224415]Accessibility Tags order to match in InDesign and PDF
Accessibility tag tree is not matching as per InDesign XML tag structure. We are doing more manual work to re-arrange the tag tree as per PDF view in Acrobat. We need to fix this bug in InDesign and match the tag tree as per InDesign tag structure for the accessibility PDF.
Attached sample file and screen shot FYR....
24 votesThanks for reporting. We will review the issue shortly
-InDesign Team
Exporting accessible PDF – wrong BoundingBox
InDesign Version: All
An accessible PDF needs for all graphics and pictures a bounding box.
This is used by AT e.g. to set a focus to a visual impaired user.
Using the PDF export a bounding box is defined for all linked images.Problem:
Often the bounding box does not fit to the visible area.
AT user get wrong information, in fact the file is not accessible.Steps to reproduce the issues:
Place an asset, where only a part of the linked asset is visibily placed in InDesign, the rest is cropped.Expected result:
Bounding box fits to visible…18 votesThanks for reporting the issue. We will review the bug shortly
-InDesign Team
Generic check mark reappears in PDF check box after exporting to Acrobat Pro
InDesign 14.0.2 and Acrobat Continuous 2019.10.20099
This issue is about the behavior and appearance of interactive check boxes in documents that have been exported to Interactive PDFs.
There is a difference in the way that check boxes created in InDesign behave and appear versus those created in Acrobat Pro. The Acrobat Pro Forms preferences are involved in this difference.
When, in Acrobat Pro Forms Preferences, under Highlight Color, the “Show border hover color for fields” option is selected, check boxes created in InDesign behave and appear in the following manner.
When a check box is made active, it first appears…
16 votesHi,
Thanks for reporting the issue. We are reviewing it-InDesign Team
PDF Hyphenation Bug when line has cross-reference, hyphenated word, and option is to create Tagged PDF
When exporting an InDesign document to PDF, the hyphenated word is displayed incorrectly in the output PDF.
It only happens with a line that has cross-reference object, hyphenated word, and option is to create Tagged PDF.
InDesign 2019 (14.0.1) (MAC/PC) . Also tried it with previous versions and it has the same issue.
14 votesThanks for reporting the issue. We are looking into it
Artifact Tagging
InDesign now ignores it half the time when I designate an object as an artifact in the object export options panel. I run an accessibility check on the PDF and those objects come up as errors in the alternate text check, and I have to manually desginate them all as artifacts within Acrobat. I know this is a new issue, because I've been working with the same template for several years and locked down all the objects that were supposed to remain the same month to month. Never has a problem until the 2020 update.
13 votesThanks for reporting the issue. We are reviewing it
-InDesign Team
Multiple text line links tab out of order
Not sure if InDesign or Acrobat issue: Using 13.1. InDesign - Recently noticed that if I have text that flows to 2 lines and that has a hyperlink behind it, in Acrobat, the tags show the link as having two Link-OBJR, but they are the reverse of reading order. So if you tab the page, you go from 2nd line of text to first. So,
'Go to
the store'tabs as if it is 'the store' 'go to'. The underlying link is fine--no issue there--it's the tab order and tag order (tag order perhaps then impacting screen readers/accessibility???).
This is…
13 votesThanks for reporting this issue. We’ll review it shortly.
Adobe InDesign team -
Text formatting can break backlinking endnote texts to endnote refs when exported to PDF (Print)
Hi together,
to explain the issue:Sometimes backling from endnote text to endnote reference number will not work.
To make it work at all I found the following minimum requirements for PDF export:
PDF Export (Print)
Compatibility: Acrobat 5 (PDF 1.4)
[x] Create Tagged PDF
[x] Hyperlinks enabled
Even with that sometimes only linking from the endnote reference number to the endnote text will work, but not backlinking from the endnote number in the endnote text to the reference in the main text.
What I found:
If you want linking back from the endnote number at the start of the…
12 votesThanks for reporting the issue of backlinking not working for Endnotes with WR Composers.
We’re going to review this shortly.—
Adobe InDesign team -
Drop shadow in exported PDF is a different size
Certain drop shadows have a different size when they appear in an exported PDF.
In the attached example, the black shapes each have a drop shadow effect in yellow. When exported, the shadows appear shorter and narrower. The difference is approximately 20 pt narrower and 1 pt shorter. (Note the difference in proportion of the yellow drop shadow and black shape in the screenshots.) I've also included the drop shadow effect attributes.
This occurs with multiple PDF export settings including the default [High Quality Print]. I am able to reproduce this behavior in both InDesign versions 15.1.2 and 16.0.
12 votesThanks for reporting. We will review the issue shortly.
-InDesign Team
Disappearing footnotes on export
Since updating to the latest major release of InDesign (14), we have been experiencing issues in one of our templates where footnotes have been disappearing from chapters (documents) in a Book when exporting the Book as a PDF.
This was not an issue in previous versions of InDesign and the template has not changed.
Is this perhaps a bug?
12 votesThanks for reporting. We are reviewing the bug
-InDesign Team
Weight remains on text when exported to pdf even if changed to zero.
I am using InDesign CC 2019 14.01 x64.
Once a stroke weight has been added, if you then change the stroke weight back to zero, then when you export to pdf the pdf will have a stroke weight added to the text, even though the indesign document looks correct. It may not have the original amount of weight that was added, but it will definitely have what looks to be around a .2 weight added.
However, if you were to start a new document, then add stroke weight, then click edit - undo stroke weight, then it would export to…
12 votesThanks for reporting the issue. We are looking into it
Dotted line looks pixelated in pdf
When I export a Indesign file to pdf that has lines in it with japanese dot style, the dots appear pixelated in the pdf. But only the dots on a straight line, the dots in the rounded corner (see attached screenshots) look good, as do the dots on a circle line.
When I print the file they look good. But as I need to show this document on screen as well it has to look good on screen too.
Could you please fix this?
11 votesThanks for reporting. We will review the bug
-InDesign Team
InDesign opens destination folder when exporting.
My InDesign opens the destination folder when exporting PDF-files. In my work I export files daily and I have to export them separately. So when I do this, after the export has completed successfully, the destination folder opens up automatically, which is very annoying. I can't seem to find any place, where I can turn this off. I can only turn it ON, if I don't export separately.
- brand new update CC 2019
- Create a document with more than 2 pages. Export all the pages separately.
- That it exports the pages separately into the destination folder without having the need…
9 votesHi,
Thanks for reporting the issue. We will look into this-Aman
"View PDF after exporting" previously opened acrobat, now my computer switches between opening Illustrator, Mircosoft Word, rarely Acrobat
I've set my computer to use Acrobat as default, yet perhaps you could add an Application of choice to use when view exported PDF.
Not sure if it's just a bug, but any fix would be welcome. Thank you!
9 votesThank you for reporting the issue.
We are currently reviewing it.-inDesign Team
Endnotes are tagged incorrectly when exporting to Accessible PDF from InDesign 2021
In InDesign 2021, endnotes are not nested inside of a <Note> tag like they should be. Now only the Endnote number is in a <Note> tag and everything else is in a <P> tag. Normal behavior is to put each Endnote in its entirety within a <Note> tag. In addition, for several versions Endnotes and Footnotes are in a <Note> tag but then there's a <P> tag within the <Note> tag. The <P> tag is unnecessary and causes an error when trying to validate Accessible PDF. Please remove the <P> tag within <Note> tags when exporting to tagged PDF.
6 votesThanks for reporting this issue.
We’ll review this shortly.—
InDesign team -
PDF issue with WorkSans variable font
I'm getting a strange issue with the WorkSans static variable font when exporting a PDF. The font is from Google Fonts -- The weight in the attached example is WorkSans Black. A strange overlap issue is happening in the crossbar of the A. The issue only seems to be occurring in that letterform. The only way I can seem to resolve this is by converting the font to outlines in InDesign, which is not ideal.
4 votesThanks for reporting. We will review the issue shortly.
-InDesign Team
Text on path do not export to PDF inDesign 2020
Text on path with outline do not export, only first letter. Even if I change the font, reimport from idml. Only if changing alignment of outline to exterior is working
3 votesThanks for reporting the issue. We are reviewing it
-InDesign Team
Tabs in Arabic text move weight declaration to the wrong place
When placing an Arabic weight statement (e.g. "13g") followed by a tab and a percentage (e.g. "19%"), the weight declaration ("g" or "mg") moves to the percentage when exporting to pdf. Only when setting PDFX/1a:2001 is selected the output is correct. But this setting removes all layers and flattens transparencies so it's not very useful.
A workaround is to place a space after the tab (so on the left side since this is a right to left language).
See screen shot in attachment. On top = InDesign file, bottom = pdf created from this file using PDFX/4. The top line…3 votesThanks for reporting the issue. We are looking into it
Accessible PDF Alternative Text Fail When Object Set to Multiply
InDesign 14.0.2
When an object is set to "multiply" in Effects and exported to Interactive PDF, there is a Alternative Text fail reported when running Accessibility Full Check. When the "multiply" effect is removed, there is a clean report. Please fix.
Attached are both the original file (with multiply on) and the PDF generated. If you remove multiply, it works.
2 votesThanks for reporting the issue. We are looking into it
1 vote
Hi Michael
Thanks for reporting the issue. This is a known bug and is currently under review.
Anasuiya Gupta
- Don't see your idea?