[ID-4253441]"Don't Save" and "Cancel" Positions are reversed in InDesign 20.0
"Don't Save" and "Cancel" Positions are reversed in Indesign 20.0.
Why in the world would they do this??? Yet another meaningless update to hinder production.
Not OS related, as I have not updated my OS since updating to Indesign 20.
Mac Sonoma 14.7
3.6 GHz 10-Core Intel Core i9
AMD Radeon Pro 5700 XT 16 GB

Thank you for reporting the issue. It is currently under investigation.
Adobe InDesign Team
mike commented
Why were the "cancel" and "don't save" buttons swapped for Adobe '25 products? Why was this switch made? Makes no sense. I am having to unlearn 25+ years of muscle behavior. Why!
Toby Nelson commented
I cannot believe they've done this when the app has so many other issues. Pointless change just for the sake of it.
sarcas commented
The number of times I think I've closed something only to discover I haven't is getting ridiculous. Why would you even change this!
troyjack commented
Adobe, please test your software before releasing updates.
HD commented
Absolute WTF-moment when in the UX-Design of Indesign. :-D Please fix this, if possible.
nitsch.lorand@curteaveche.ro commented
The change in this Indesign dialog layout can cause a lot of trouble... and it's completely useless!