Navigating through pages with keyboard shift page up / page down jumps multiple pages Indesign V19.x and 20.0
Navigating through pages with keyboard shift + page up/down was already flaky in the last couple versions of Indesign jumping two pages at once, especially after opening a document. With version 20.0 it now jumps two and sometimes three pages at once and even back when it should go forward. Sometimes navigating stalls completely and ID is "thinking" for several seconds before it jumps huge amounts 10-20 pages or completely at the end /beginning of the document. This behaviour is not seen when navigating via the pages palette.
The documents in question do not have large media files linked where previews have to be updated, they are mostly text on landscape 16:9 pages (think of presentation slides)

We would need more info on when you are using shift + page up/down key and what is the expectation. Are you using these when in Presentation mode?
Using page up/down key, does not solve the purpose?