Alternate glyphs change order unpredicatably
If I show some alternate glyphs (whether in the tiny popup - can we resize this? - or in the Glyphs panel), when I select one, the order of the other glyphs changes. This is really annoying - can they PLEASE stay in the same order, so I can easily switch between them. The current (wrong) system goes like this:
Type a word
Highlight a character
The miniscule glyphs pop-up pops up
I choose the second (miniscule) glyph in the pop-up
I don't really like it
I choose the third glyph in the pop-up
Hold on - isn't that the same as the original one? Oh, all the glyphs have moved around - why??
I choose the first one in the list - is that the same as the one in the second position originally? I think so...maybe - let's check...OH GRRRR!! They've all moved around AGAIN! WHY?!
If they all stayed in the same place, choosing them would be MUCH easier and less painful. Please keep them in position and don't randomly shuffle them about for no reason! It's as if you took a leaf out of Windows' book and got inspiration from the fundamentally flawed Task Switcher which also re-arranges the order of things each time, just to annoy the user.