Publish Online Analytics slow or failing
Many of us have raised the publish online dashboard analytics slow loading and/or complete failure to work and it still seems to ne ignored.
We have noticed across our design team that analytics seems to work differently across different accounts. Accounts with less documents published online have greater success and speed in returning analytics. Those with over a 100 documents for example have limited success.
We think this maybe due to that when you request the analytics for a 'single' document Adobe systems are not just loading that 'single' document. They are processing the whole account and all documents within.
This would makes sense in that an account with less documents can retrieve statistics for 1 year or 'since published' options. But an account with hundreds of documents 'for us' is limited to 60 to 90 day statistics.
We assume this 'whole account' processing must be the case because when statistics for a single document are received for say a 1 year date range - all other documents can be 'instantly' viewed for that 1 year date range without any reloading or searching of the data.
Can Adobe please fix this or at least tell us if it will NOT be fixed.