Drag-and-Drop text editing in Layout view problems
I was working on InDesign layout with Word text with some text originally in Arabic - with some numbers (dates) only for a reason I cannot understand, but it was a text about oriental philosophy... I discovered that my body text paragraph style (for a strange reason) used Adobe Worlld-Ready Single-Line Composer (it was not my choice!). That selection made the one letter Drag-and-Drop editor in the Layout view not work correctly. When I changed the composer to a simple paragraph composer everything is OK again...
Made an experiment - on Latin-based text with World-Redy composer one cannot use Drag-andDrop edit on one letter. But change the composer and all is well again...
Jeremy Bowman commented
I'm getting something similar. I couldn't drag-and-drop in layout view with one letter, even after deleting preference files. With more than one letter could only see the drag-and-drop cursor when hovering over letters after the first letter. I switched from my default Adobe Paragraph Composer to Adobe Single-line Composer, and it worked. When I switched back to Paragraph Composer, it continued to work OK.