After typing values in dialogue boxes, InDesign list panels unusable + Mouse click outside InDesign window not working
Hi all,
I have a persistent issue with scrolling some InDesign panel lists such as swatches, font list, font weight.
After I type any set value on a dialogue box (like font size, transparency, color tone, font spacing etc), some fundamental InDesign panels become unusable: list elements (swatches, fonts etc) slip away from mouse selection like they were anchored to cursor.
Mouse click outside InDesign window to desktop or other apps also doesn't work.
Functionality can be restored only by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Canc and then Esc.
I attach a sample video of the issue:
1. two panels working correctly (Font panel and Swatches panel);
2. typing of a random value on a random box (not important which box, the issue appears after any keyboard entering on any dialogue box);
3. the same panels not working anymore (in the video I am only moving the cursor over them, without pressing any mouse button).
More details about malfunctioning:
Paragraph/Font Style panel list, Glyphs list, Layers/Pages/Links panel lists work correctly.
If I set a Font/Paragraph Style: font scrolling and selection on Style Option window works, whereas swatch scrolling and selection has the same issue shown on the attached video.
I already tried to delete InDesign cache and I also restored default InDesign preferences, but issue recurs.
I think there could be a conflict between InDesign and hardware/OS settings, here details:
InDesign version: 18.2.1 (+ ANY earlier CC version. I had identical issues on all previous versions on this pc).
OS: Windows 10 x64, all updates installed
PC model: Dell XPS-15 7590
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
Mouse model: Dell WM615 (Bluetooth), drivers updated to last version.
Thank you