InDesign crashes when deleting pages from multiple files
This doesn't happen on every single file, but it happens probably once a week or so. I will need to delete anywhere from a couple pages to a couple hundred pages in an InDesign file, and when I try to delete those pages, InDesign will freeze and crash.
The option in Preferences to add pages to the end of the Story Editor is not checked on, so that isn't causing it.
The issue will persist even if I save the file as an idml and open in older CC versions. Thank heavens I still have my old CS6, because the only solution I have ever found for this issue is to open the idml in CS6, delete the pages, resave, and then open the file in CC 2023 and continue working.
If that solution isn't viable because the document uses features that weren't available in CS6, then I end up having to recreate the file entirely by copy+pasting the main story over to a new document and then recreating every other element in the original document.
This costs me anywhere from an hour to several hours of billable work time every week, and I'm sick of it. I should not have to use 10-year-old software to do something basic like delete pages from a document.