InDesign 2023 (18.0) Screen not refreshing
Half the time or more, page down/up and zoom do not refresh the screen. Attempting to select something just draws the rectangle around nothing. Finally through a variety of erratic body movements, thrashing and random gestures, ID wakes up. This is a huge step backward from v17. Productivity severely hampered.

We're looking into this issue.
Adobe InDesign team
monokano commented
This bug occurs when an object is highlighted. Details are explained in the following post. -
Ryan commented
Any news on this issue? It's still happening.
Ryan commented
Hi Ravi, checking in again, as this issue continues to be a problem.
Aaron A commented
Faulty table redraw, where the screen doesn't refresh at all, leads user to attempt edits that are completely wrong. Adobe (Ravi), this is ridiculous.
Aaron A commented
Ravi, you emailed me (with no way to reply, and for some reason not putting it on this thread so everyone can benefit):
"Can you show us the issue by creating a recording & sharing a link to it?
We had fixed an issue related to Screen Refresh in 18.1, so if this is something that you are still seeing, we would like to understand it."Refer to Mike Rankin's video below, and please respond here.
Aaron A commented
Hey Ravi, It's been over two months and nothing. Does Adobe care about this issue which persists on v 18.1?
Ryan commented
Any updates, @Ravi? It's been a particularly rough day of keyboard and mouse jockeying to be able to navigate the spreads in my document.
Aaron A commented
Confirming that this vexing problem still occurs on an M1 Mac Mini 2020 on my side as well. What's the news, Adobe?
Aaron A commented
@Ravi, good to hear. Please let me know if I can support your efforts to fix this nagging issue.
Aaron A commented
@Michael, wow, even on an M1. I wonder if Adobe ever reads these bug reports; it's been nearly 2 weeks since I first posted.
Michael Miller commented
Also hampered by this problem on a Mac Mini 2020 with M1 chip, running OS 12.6. It's often faster to quit InDesign and restart than wait for the page view to refresh!
Aaron A commented
Seems to be that the whole graphics engine / redraw mechanism is broken on this release. Maybe head-in-the-Cloud Adobe only tested it on the very latest Macs? (Mine's a 2012 Mac Mini.)
Ryan commented
I've discovered that sometimes moving the mouse causes it to "wake up," which results in me jiggling the mouse as I page through a file using keyboard shortcuts. Kinda works most of the time? Still lame, though.
Ryan commented
Navigating through a file is full of fits and starts now—not just page down and up, but jumping to pages as well.
Aaron A commented
@Ryan, yes same here -- any page to page movement, and the W and shift-W display mode shortcuts, as well as holding spacebar to move along a page/spread.
Sidonie commented
I have exactly the same problem. Extremely annoying. Hope it will be fixed quickly.