screen reproduction of color is spazzing out
I'm trying to get InDesign to display colors correctly. I have synced all my settings with our printer, deleted a cache file (Users ▸ username ▸ Library ▸ Preferences ▸ Adobe ▸ Color ▸ ACEConfigCache2.lst) that was causing a problem, updated the program, restarted the computer—all the usual suspects. (Deleting the cache file worked for about one second—it repopulated the instant I re-opened InDesign each time).
Now what's happening is that the appearance of color isn't stable. It changes between two looks, seemingly at random, as I click on things. I've attached screenshots of the two different ways that it looks. The darker of these is closer to accurate—screen colors match the swatches in the palette better in that version. I really want it to stay that way!
Because of the way it's happening, this is clearly a bug. Please fix it!