72 DPI images not placing at 100%, scaling to 216 DPI
This has apparently been a discussion since at least 2019 and has not yet found a solution:
When placing certain jpg images saved to 72 DPI, In Design frequently places them at 1/3 actual size, or down to 216 DPI. This is including if the ID document's increments/document size are set to pixels. It seems most common with jpgs saved in a standard "Save As" format from Photoshop vs. the legacy "Save for Web."
- Versions 14.02 to 17.1 - Edit - issue continues after update to 17.2.1.
- Steps to reproduce: place a jpg image saved to 72 dpi resolution
- Expected result - image is placed at 100% scale like other images
- Actual result - image is placed at 33.33% scale
- See images attached. These are identically sized - the one that was saved using the outdated legacy Save for Web option on Photoshop came in at 100% scale or 72 DPI. The image saved in a more standard Save As format from Photoshop comes in at 33.33% scale or 216 DPI. Export option from Photoshop yields the same result. Have also noticed this scaling issue with images provided to me from non-Photoshop sources.
Occasionally it loads it in at 50% scale instead of 33.33%, too.