Menu bar gets stuck - Indesign on M1 Pro mac
On a regular basis the pull down menus in Indesign will stop reacting properly: Clicking menu item will select the topic (screenshot 1), but not pull down the menu. A second click AND hold will pull down the menu, but all the sub-menus remain unavailable, they will not pull out. The issue is persisent: Restarting Indesign does not fix it once it starts occuring, but restarting the computer will fix it. The issue may be OS related, but it only occurs in Indesign, and only on my M1 Pro computer, not my older Intel mac.
The issue usually occurs after Indesign crashes, something which unfortunately happens multiple times a day using Indesign on M1 Pro. Having to restart the computer multiple times a day has not happened to me since the days of OS 9. I am using a couple of plugins in Indesign, which may contribute to crashes, but I also have an Intel Mac with the same version of Indesign, and the same plugins, and am having no such issues there.
Apple M1 Pro
Indesign 17.1
macOS 12.0.1 (21A559)

Sue Lawes commented
Also have to say, I don't get to 'like' anyone's comments. Why is that?
Very undemocratic for £31.27 a month when that's about what I'm earning at the moment (and I had to fight for that lower fee)...
So anyone tried Affinity?
Sue Lawes commented
Urgh, I let Adobe go into my system, and everything was restored without explanation. Whatever she (?) did. It was all better immediately, but no further contact, so have no idea why. Not impressed and now wondering how to get rid of screen sharing and still haven't eaten.
Sue Lawes commented
@KevLlewellyn's fix doesn't work for me. My cache doesn't contain anything InDesign related. The Library doesn't include anything InDesign related. The preferences don't include any plists relating to InDesign. And now I'm on Adobe help, Christ knows when I'll get to eat.
Sue Lawes commented
I am feckin sick of Adobe updating programmes without fixing the bugs. Like we're paying to be their guinea pigs/research assistants. I used to date a financial software designer, and they were always releasing untested beta versions of crucial finance software. No wonder we're in continual economic crisis (apart from the obvious UK reasons)...
Just wasted two hours on this problem and it's still not fixed – especially annoying when the client doesn't send anything till the end of the day and wants the amends the next day and I can't charge for the hours lost in trying to fix the problem. Can't even make a pdf to show client the amends done and the amends that can't be done!
I hate Adobe.
Edward Cook commented
I just experienced this issue. I was very frustrated as updating the program, quitting the program, restarting the computer, etc. did not fix it. Google brought me to this page, and I'm so thankful for the "fix" posted by @KevLlewellyn which worked for me.
Rob Wilkes commented
Thank you Kev Llewellyn for a well-explained solution that works! (It did for me anyway.)
Janita commented
Having the same issue on a macbook pro 2017, just after updating to Monterey, the bug started appearing. And I was wondering if I should update because before everything worked more or less fine. :( Before this update, I had one issue with indesign for a while that was not bothering me so much, that Indesign would ask me after boot if I wanted to recreate a file that had been closed before saving and that it couldn't find the file. Normally you just click it away and its not gonna show up again. This message comes now every time I start the program, even if the issue is fixed already, its still showing me that its looking for this stupid file. And when I want to work on something in indesign its impossible, I can not open the menu, not even for a while. Im so desperate, I wanted to follow the advice from one of the users here, but the path he typed there doesn't work on me, I don't find the folder that contains my presets. Even when I deinstall Indesign and also delete the presets I have in creative cloud, It still starts with the same problems as before as soon as its installed. It SUCKS so bad, I can't use the program AT ALL and I can't work like this.
MB Creative commented
Thank you, Kev Llewellyn! You got me back on track with this fix!
Ben Winkler commented
Kev Llewellyn's solution worked for me. Thanks Kev!
Kev Llewellyn commented
I had this problem, clicking the menu once didn't drop down the sub nav, clicking it again made the sub nav flash open for a second. Nothing fixed it, even re-installing ID twice. Basically unusable. I found the following fix to work for me: The problem was being caused by corrupted recovery data. I went to the folder where the data is stored for my active ID version, saved a copy of it all to my hard drive just incase and then trashed the data in the actual recovery folder and it now works again. The file path to the recovery data is...
On Mac OS:
/[Hard Drive]/Users/[User Name]/Library/Caches/Adobe InDesign/Version [#.0]/InDesign Recovery
On Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\[User Name]\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\InDesign\Version [#.0]\en_US\Caches\InDesign Recovery
Obviously, this is at your own risk, I seem to have gotten lucky here. Keep a back up just incase you need to reinstate.
Paul commented
That s why I go back to the 2021 version and have to convert all the files I created so far
Lily Cowper commented
Been having this problem for at least month now and it frucking sucks.. My program makes the menus flash when you click but won't stay open so you can select the tool you need.. also slows and freezes whenever I try to select things in the menu bar. Not really able to use the program until this is fixed come on guys
Øystein Vidnes commented
This is still a problem. Here is a film showing the behaviour.
David Silvester commented
I'm experiencing exactly the same problems on my 13" MacBook Pro M1 (Feb 2020 model). Yet to find any helpful advice from Adobe or Apple. Glad to know I'm not the only one.
I'm also experiencing issues with the main InDesign workspace window not coming to the foreground when using standard app-switching (Cmd-Tab). An InDesign toolbar may appear but the main application window does not, I have to use Missiion Control to find the window and click it to bring to the front.
Øystein Vidnes commented
Small update: The issue may occur less consistently than I thought: Sometimes restarting Indesign will fix it, and sometimes even a complete restart of the computer does not fix it. Resetting settings for Indesign does not fix it.
When the issue occurs, quick double clicking on the menu item may make the pull down menu appear, but it gets stuck and will not disappear, creating the following effect (see screenshot).