Linked EPS appears with jagged/rough edges even on High Quality Display
I've never seen this before, but linked vector EPS files aren't previewing properly in InDesign. The edges are super jagged when they should be smooth lines.

Please mention the version of InDesign you’re seeing this issue with.
Also, if you could share a couple of sample EPS files, it would be great. Please send these to
InDesign team
Marianne commented
Hi there, I've recently upgraded to InDesign 2023 and am experiencing this same issue. Whether it's a vector PDF or EPS the preview in InD is showing jagged edges. Like someone stated on this thread, the file is rotated 90 degrees. When I export the InD file to PDF it is not showing up in the final PDF, but the preview issue is annoying and if you can't trust the preview to show you how something is going to print it sure makes designing more difficult. Anyone know if there is a fix to this issue?
Nicole Siewert commented
I am having the same problem. When I saved the .eps file I clicked off the compression button and the jaggedness did go away, but it changes the colors of my file...
Rob commented
It's happening in the latest InDesign 2022 (and in InDesign 2021), and I've noticed it happens when the link is rotated (mine is rotated 90 degrees)