[INDD 2020 and 2021] Missing font in placed SVG is not detected by Preflight or Type > Find Fonts…
[ 2020 ][ 2021 ] A missing font in a placed SVG does not show
If you open a document with a placed SVG where a font is not embedded the missing font does not show with:
[1] Type > Find Fonts…
[2] Preflight
If you export that InDesign document to IDML and open the IDML file with InDesign the missing font is showing as missing in Preflight and Type > Find Fonts… .
As soon as you save the IDML as InDesign document, close and open it again, the missing font is not detected again. Neither with Preflight nore with Type > Find Fonts…
FWIW: The only reliable way to make that missing font available is to install it for All Users in Windows 10.
What does NOT work at all:
Provide the font in a Document fonts folder
What does NOT work reliably:
Provide the font in the Application > Fonts folder.
Install the font for a particular user only.
Download my test documents packed as zip file from my Dropbox account:
( I could not upload zip and png files here. The file types are not allowed. )
The bug is visible with InDesign 2020 and 2021 as well.
Uwe Laubender
( ACP )

Uwe Laubender commented
NOTE: Found that tiny "Delete…" button on the duplicate of this report and removed the duplicate.
Uwe Laubender
( ACP ) -
Uwe Laubender commented
Also see this discussion at the Adobe InDesign forum:
Missing font error not going away after installing required font
Inélsòre, Dec 05, 2020Especially my reply here:
NOTE: In December 2020 it was not entirely clear to me that the only solution would have been to install the missing font FOR ALL USERS when on Windows 10. Nothing else would really help.
Uwe Laubender
( ACP ) -
Uwe Laubender commented
There is no control to remove the other report:
Uwe Laubender
( ACP ) -
Uwe Laubender commented
Sorry that I provided the bug report two times.
Why did I do that? The web interface stated that my report cannot be submitted. No specific reason was given. Now that I checked I can see that it was reported two times. Will try to remove the other report.Regards,
Uwe Laubender
( ACP )