Im using Indesign 15.0.2
I the swatches palette I am missing the place where I see and change if a certain colour should be in fill or stroke ...

JD commented
Is this still not resolved? I am using InDesign 2020 on Mac Big Sur 11.4. Happened two days ago and is super annoying.
Anonymous commented
I found this in another forum and it works! Delete the InDesign Cache as follows:
That can be fixed by deleting your InDesign cache files (which is not the same as deleting preferences).
To do so:
For Macintosh Users: The User Library folder in which InDesign’s cache files are stored is hidden by default on most Macintoshes. To access it make sure that InDesign is closed and click on the desktop to launch a Finder Window (Command-N).With this window in column view follow the path User>Home folder (it’s the folder with an icon that looks like a house—it may have the user’s name rather than “Home”) and click on the Home folder. With the Option Key pressed choose Library from the Finder Go Menu. “Library” will now appear within the Home folder. Within the Library folder find the “Caches” folder. Within the Caches folder find and delete the entire folder “Adobe InDesign”. I find that deleting the InDesign cache folder completely leads to a lasting change.
For Windows Users: On Windows 7 and above the caches files are hidden. To find them go to the Control Panel and open Folder Options and then click the View tab. Then select “Show hidden files and folders” or “Show hidden files, folders or drive options” in Advanced Settings. Then delete (or rename) the folder at the end of this path: C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Local\Adobe\InDesign\Version [#]\<Language>\Cache.
Anonymous commented
Did you ever get to the bottom f this? Mine is also doing it.
Eric Scheurer commented
Oh great, I am still using CS6 and this exact same issue appears approx. 12 months ago… I think it appears right after El Capitain upgrade from Mountain Lion… I thought that was related to my old CS6 version / osx incompatibilities.... Quite amazing such issue is still unresolved/unidentified yet properly (i did delete preferences several times)... Good luck !
yusuf kot commented
I have same problem on every version of Indesign, since 2017 i guess. I'm using Indesign 2020 on macOS Catalina. Below is the screenshot of the issue. I will try to delete preferences now but it's really annoying.
Thank you for reporting the issue. Since this issue is not reproducible in general, I would like few more details from you:
1. OS you are using
2. Workflow that you were performing at the time you faced the issue
3. Are you continuously facing the issue now as wellA short video will be very helpful, so that we can proceed further. You can directly send the information at
Sakshi Verma -
Dillon commented
Line and Fill UI in the swatch panel is blank and missing.
InDesign 15.0.3
Anonymous commented
I too have this issue, I cant select to change object outline or fill as these fields are now blank?
Please see screenshot attached -
Ross Turton commented
I had this problem and managed to resolve it by deleting InDesigns preferences.
Anonymous commented
Same here, happened yesterday. Very annoying.
Anonymous commented
Same here. Happened about 2 weeks ago and I've been muddling through. Now its really getting on my nerves.
Late 2015 iMac, OS 10.14.1, InDesign 14.0.1Seriously Adobe, this is a well documented issue. Can you please resolve it?
Aishia commented
Same thing has happened to me. Was working fine yesterday and when I opened InDesign today it was gone. Appears to still be there, but it can't be seen well enough to click on it to use. Have restarted computer and InDesign multiple times and doesn't change. I am working on Windows.
Thanks for reporting the issue. Can you please provide more details about the steps that lead you to this issue.
Also, Please specify the ID version and Platform version you are using.Thanks,
InDesign Team -
Anonymous commented
adobe cc- indisign
the fill and swatch is blank
how to change it?