[] Big problem with unrecognized user dictionaries
macOS 10.14.6 - multiple computers with us and with customers
We noticed today that extensive user dictionaries are recognized as such by the existing documents, but InDesign (current version) completely ignores them and thus incorrectly hyphens them.
In a special case, a very extensive user dictionary is linked as a symlink (alias) from the Dropbox into the corresponding Linguistics folder in Application Support / Adobe. So far, this worked wonderfully with all versions and has the advantage that adjustments are automatically distributed correctly via the Dropbox.
I tried the following:
the symlink resolved and the extensive dictionary (a lot of entries, 1.4 MB) locally as an independent user dictionary in the above Folder placed (added.txt). As a result, InDesign became extremely sluggish - even renaming to .udc didn't help. It was no longer possible to work and large documents could no longer be opened without InDesign reacting after a while and having to be "shot down".
We have now rolled everything back to v15.0.1, as well as our customers who are working with us on projects with these dictionaries. No problems and InDesign 2020 v15.0.1 works as expected.
Since this misconduct is absolutely not an isolated case here and can also be observed among all customers involved, a pretty bad bug has crept in with v15.0.2, which makes it impossible for us to work with the latest version.

Please share the test document with us.
You can send them to pgaurav@adobe.com
Giacomo Albensi commented
I have the same problem with personal user dictionary (i used one for Italian surname)
The file is not connected with symlink or shared trough cloud, everything is local.
In my case Indesign crash when i try to do the Spelling check -
JThoeming commented
Its not fixed with the latest prerelease - unusable user dictionaries so is InDesign!!!!
It worked perfect since 15.0.1 - so what happend? The developers just should know what they changed to break it ...
JThoeming commented
I already posted comments in the prerelease bug area - short examples attached which should make clear that user dictionaries are seen by the document but just ignored with the latest release (we had to roll back to v15.0.1.209 - working as expected) ...