Eyedropper bug — attribute pick-up is glitched by hidden layers above
If there are objects overlapping and above the source for the eyedropper tool, — even if those objects are on a hidden layer — the tool picks up a color of no fill and no stroke.
If the hidden layer is dropped below the target layer, the problem goes away.
These observations are based on original input by Bill Silbert in this User Forum discussion:
InDesign versions v14 through v15

We need more information to reproduce this issue. Could you share a sample test document and show a screen recording of this issue?
Adobe InDesign team
cb commented
NOPE! not the issue for us. it is buggy. that hint and all the others still don't fix the underlying bugginess, instability, unreliability of the indesign eyedropper tool.
IT EXISTS. it is real. why isn't it fixed?
Alyssa commented
THANK YOU!!! I was able to work around the issue by moving a layer.