Optical Kerning issues after recent v15 update
After the recent update (v15.0), I am having issues with Optical kerning, specifically with the font Noto Serif Khmer (Cambodian font). The kerning is completely off. I've opened the file in v14.0.3 and everything works fine in that version.

Can you please share a sample file with which the issue is reproducible?
Eric Pawley commented
Here's a sample using the Khmer Mondulkiri font which can be obtained from https://software.sil.org/mondulkiri/. I've underlined locations where optical kerning causes characters to touch.
I can't upload a file to this forum, so here's a Dropbox link to it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wo297z6ioww8gr7/Khmer_Optical_Kerning.indd?dl=0
ChelseaP commented
Here's a file with the optical kerning messed up.
Eric Pawley commented
I also am seeing the issue, but with the Khmer Mondulkiri font. Optical kerning works fine in v14, but in v15, about 10% of letter pairs are kerned too closely, so letter forms actually touch or overlap slightly.
Metric kerning works fine.