InDesign White object exports as RGB in PDF/X 2008 PDF
Not sure if this is a bug or intended but I don't think I have had this before as I have saved this file in the past for printing.
InDesign Vers. 14.0.3
White vector object (outlined text in InDesign not Linked/Placed) is changed to an RGB object when exported as a PDF from InDesign using PDF/X 2008 No Conversion Lab Ink Manager Values for Pantones are Lab for Spots & Convert all Pantones to CMYK.
Tried a test using the Save for Print default setting and it came out fine, as well as testing the Output Color Conversion set to Convert to Destination (Swop) preserve numbers which also did not produce the object as RGD. I tested using the paper colour as well as setting it as CMYK 0000 for the colour.
My colour settings are set to N/A general purpose.
If this was a placed object that was RGB white I could understand it not converting to CMYK if I didn't have convert to destination turned on but it is an InDesign Object that is coloured in InDesign using CMYK white.
Am I missing something?