Empty merge fields introduce characters that cannot be found
When you perform a data merge and create a new merged document InDesign adds hidden characters where the empty data field would be. These characters cannot be found using a standard search. I have not tried GREP.
In my case I was working on business cards. Some records have no mobile number so there is a blank line in the merged document, apart from the M prefix that would normally indicate a mobile number. I wanted to remove all those lines so I selected one, from the M at the beginning to the paragraph break at the end. I pasted that into the Find field, left the Change field blank, then clicked Change All. Nothing was changed.
I replaced the odd characters in the Find filed with a wild card, so now I was searching for "M^t^?^p". That’s an M followed by a tab, followed by any character, followed by a return. Nothing was found. I tried two wildcards, then three wildcards. Nothing was found.
InDesign’s merged document contained some odd character that cannot be found by any means, even with wildcards.
InDesign 14.0.2
Sarah Peller commented
I'm having trouble with this same issue