Brand new computer. Worked great for 2 days and today InDesign not opening and I'm on deadline.
InDesign not opening. My system has more than enough on the requirements and was working super fast for 2 days. Now, InDesign not opening. On a magazine deadline.
What is happening??? Pay $600 and can't use the program 2 days in? Are you kidding me? This didn't happen with my CS version!

Auro commented
Likewise InDesign CC 2019 and Illustrator CC2019 crawling on maxed out MacBook Pro (2016 version). InDesign takes almost two minutes to launch—despite a blazing fast 100MBS+ internet connection). Illustrator shockingly slow too. CC suite products my mainstay for the work I do. I can barely get anything done at the moment. Reformatted drive, reinstalled apps but to no avail. Disappointed to say the least.
Bastian S. commented
See if this helps (it should):