Cannot place EPS image in empty box
Mac OSX 10.14.3
Placing an EPS file generated from "Barcode" (by AppsForLife) does not work properly if the target box is empty. If box already contains a graphic, the file will place properly via "Place" or drag+drop.
On a new image box or box where the existing image has been deleted, the following occurs (via Place or drag+drop):
Image will seem to appear in the target box. Once mouse button is released, the imported image is no longer in the box and the pointer changes to a "placement selector" prompting to place the image in a new box.
Working with the developer of the software that generates these EPS files seems to track the issue to a line in the EPS file. Removing the line that begins "%%HiResBoundingBox" in a text editor causes the EPS file to behave correctly.
The developer has issued an update to their software that seems to fix this issue.
Other in the Adobe discussion have tested the attached file. They have been able to repeat the problem on OS X 10.14 (Mojave) but not earlier MacOS or Windows installs.
Although the issue seems to be corrected with the EPS software update, it was suggested I file a report here.
I am unable to attach a sample file as .EPS is not permitted.

Uwe Laubender commented
Hi together,
a backlink to the discussion at Adobe InDesign Forum:9. Re: Strange problem with import/place image
jrm21 Feb 13, 2019 (in response to Laubender) test documents by Joe are available here: tested the two EPS files on Windows 10 with InDesign CC 2019 and other versions and cannot see an issue.
Also with InDesign CC 2018.1 and an early prerelease version of InDesign CC 2019 on OS X 10.11.6: No issue. So I assume a bug with the latest version of InDesign CC 2019 in conjuncton perhaps with OS X 10.14 Mojave…Dave tested on OS X Mojave and can see the issue:,
Uwe Laubender
( ACP )