space before and after ordered and unordered lists
I'd like to space before and after fields added to the Bullets and Numbering panel of paragraph styles. I often prefer to base my ULs and OLs on my body style which includes the space applied to the end of the paragraph. I can remove the space but then my list item lack the proper spacing for the last item in the list. I fix this by creating a last item style and apply it manually but this is a real pain. It would be nice to have space before and after fields to adjust the padding around a list, independent of the Indents and Spacing panel in the paragraph style. This would allow me to create a single style to manage ordered and unordered lists and limit potential errors by forgetting to apply a separate style to the last item of the list. Sure, I might need to do a little math to add the correct amount of padding to match paragraph spacing but a single style for lists is far easier to manage then two or more styles.