Copying from Illustrator pastes with strange colors
I used to be able to do this with no problem: copy a vector from Illustrator into InDesign and it look the same. Now, when I paste a logo, say, a teal and yellow one, into InDesign, the teal turns red! I have color swatches created in the Illustrator file, but even when I haven't done that, I've never seen this happen before. I now have to import many vector images instead, which is a huge inconvenience.

Colleen Gratzer commented
The background color of this square is teal, not black, which is what it shows as in the swatches panel. Also, the text is white, not red, as the swatch shows. I encounter this on a daily basis. InDesign has become practically unusable due to so many issues.
Hi Colleen,
Can you please share the detailed steps performing which you are facing the issue.
Also, let me know the OS and if possible please share the file or sample document on,
InDesign Team -
Colleen Gratzer commented
Clearly, this text is black (and it's not registration color), but selecting all of it or just a word shows it as "none."
CC 2017
I've never experienced so many bugs in a program over the last 20 years. It's really gotten to be unacceptable. I am strgonly considering switching to QXP.
Dan commented
Same result when you 'Place' the graphic?
Colleen Gratzer commented
Yes, same color space.
RY commented
Are they all using the same color space?