Bug in Adobe World-Ready Composer for Kannada Language
Attached are Adobe Indesign document, Scribus (v1.5.3) document, PDF outputs.
Fonts used: Hubballi available at https://github.com/erinmclaughlin/Hubballi/blob/master/build/Hubballi-Regular.otf
Tunga: Available in Windows 10 as part of Kannada language pack.
Scribus uses "Harfbuzz" text shaping engine. It doesn't any issue shaping Kannada text, except for one case; U+0CCD U+200D which is canonical equivalence of U+200D U+0CCD. Harfbuzz has accepted this bug and will be fixed in the next release. https://github.com/behdad/harfbuzz/issues/435 https://github.com/behdad/harfbuzz/issues/341
Adobe indesign Adobe World-Ready Composer has lots of bugs with shaping Kannada text.
Please rectify as soon as possible.

Thanks for reporting this issue.
We have verified this issue and forwarded this issue to our Indic languages expert team for investigation.
Once investigation is complete, We will definitely update this post.
Mayura commented
Anybody can respond?
additional information.