Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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71 results found
new button in Layer palette for visibility as in InDesign, also Preferences
On opening a file in InCopy CC19, CC18 and CS6 all layers are visible, no matter if any were set to be invisible in InDesign.
It would be helpful to have a button within the layer palette to set all layers to (in)visible as given in the InDesign source.
It would be even better if InCopy had a preferences setting that would allow you to open all documents with the visibility as given in the InDesign source.This would give InCopy user not only access to all layers, but also to decide whether they want to focus on what the…
2 votes -
My suggestions relate to InCopy/InDesign.
For quicker workflow when working with graphic designers trying to place/edit InCopy files from InDesign. Make a quick way for editors to check out from InDesign documents without having to physically open each document.
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Make it possible to view names associated with user colors
InCopy allows users to pick user colors, which are displayed with tracked changes and with notes. But, far as I can tell, there's nowhere I can go to see which user is using each color, unless they leave a note. The editor spends valuable time playing detective about who's making which changes. Could you implement an "alt text" triggered by hovering over tracked changes, similar to how the username pops up when I hover over a note?
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Ctrl + Backspace
In almost any Windows program (including InDesign) hitting Backspace while pressing Ctrl deletes the word to the left of the cursor., while hitting DEL while pressing Ctrl deletes the word to the right.
With InCopy on Windows, the word to the right is removed no matter if you use DEL or Backspace. This is very irritating and a bit pointless, since Backspace and DEL are just a few cm apart.
Also, I find myself wanting to delete the word to the left of the cursor much more frequently than the word to the right. For me this is a deal…
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Fully support Metric units of measure for ALL Adobe applications!
ALL Adobe products should allow type sizes to be specified using Metric units of measure instead of Imperial units of measure. This would avoid errors from converting between two different units of measure.
This website ( also recommends the use of a publishing 'metric point' equivalent to .25 mm because it corresponds to the dot pitch of many computer monitors.
There is also a unit of measure called the English Metric Unit that is equal to 914400, which would make it easier for your programmers to convert between Imperial and Metric units of measure. Please see
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Adobe Story Scriptwriting formatting
Basically with the demise of Adobe story, then it would seem logical to me to make it's scripting format an option to use in incopy. Forget all the management integration, just the pure scriptwiriting formatting, maybe even as workspace set up.
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Embedded Object Styles
I would find it helpful for inCopy files with an embedded Object to use the documents Object Styles.
At the moment I am creating bios, each bio requires a headshot. I have created a basic text box in InDesign into which I have embedded a small graphic frame to which I have assigned the Object Style "Headshot Box". Once this is created I open InCopy, place in the persons bio copy. Import the file into InDesign, edit it and place the relevant headshot in the "Headshot Box". I can then edit the Paragraph Style and Character Style, however to edit…1 vote -
InCopy - Indicator of the active text frame
When working with overlapping text frames, users can sometimes become confused about which frame they are editing. Is there a way to visually indicate the currently active text frame? For instance, highlighting it with a colored border could be helpful.
Alternatively, providing a simpler method to switch between different text frames would also be beneficial.
(following the discussion in the community: vote -
The best online games that you can win and play with friends
The best online games that you can win and play with friends
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Author name of PDF annotation exported from InCopy notes must not contain date & time
When exporting from InCopy to PDF with “Include Notes As Annotations” checked, the author name of each PDF annotation should not have the note’s date and time appended as a suffix. Doing so effectively attributes each annotation to a different author and makes PDF comment filtering based on author name (or datetime, would that filter eventually exist) impossible. I consider this a bug.
The date and time of a note should instead be stored in the “modification date & time” metadata of the PDF annotation, which Acrobat populates and displays for annotations created with itself.
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[InCopy] Open selected recent documents (open more than just one document)
A new feature that allows the user to choose to open more than one InCopy document at once in the option 'File > Open Recent' would be very useful.I've posted this request last year (, but nobody reached me.
It would be very useful to have this option in InCopy as I always work with chapters (usually 8) that are stored in different subfolders; that is, it is not possible to go to a single folder/directory, select the eight chapters that I will edit and open them whenever I need to edit these chapters (and I…
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Track Changes and Show Track Changes switched on by default
Our users are very dependent on the Track Changes and Show Track Changes function within Adobe InCopy. Currently with the workflow we are using users are having to manually switch this on every time a new article/story is created.
Users would like to have both of these options switched on by default when InCopy loads so they do not have to manually enable these.
Please develop this feature so that end users do not have to manually enable these options each time a new story is created.
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Manter controle de alterações sempre ativo
Olá! Seria de grande utilidade se houvesse uma opção de sempre manter o controle de alterações ativo no Incopy, mesmo em arquivos novos. O que acontece na minha empresa é muitas vezes começarmos uma tarefa e só horas depois percebermos que o controle estava desativado. Nesse caso, não há registro das marcações feitas até então. Obrigada!
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Open more than one document per session (in Open > Recent)
I copydesk book files using InCopy. The book comes to me in chapters, 1 file per chapter, each in a separate subfolder. I work on each book/chapters for several weeks, so I have to close/open them several times a week (and turn off my computer every day, of course). I know there must be a way to merge these documents into a book or something like that, but that's not the point here (I have to accept this workflow and manage it as best I can). Also, I'm not talking here about file tabs, of course (I open several documents…
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Film and TV Scripting
Basically taking a lot of what was available on the scripting side from Adobe Story and integrating it into incopy similar to a new work window layout like we get in Premiere ( Assembly/Edit/Color etc). While I miss the production side of what was available in story, the basic scriptwriting side is the biggest loss. If not then having some form of automatic layout feature for film and tv scripts would be great.
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Option to select all text over multiple components in InCopy
It is impossible to select all text in an article that exists over multiple components.
Now you can only copy text from one component at the time.
Would be helpful, for example, if you need to quickly copy the article to be pasted in an email so it can be send to somebody to review.1 vote -
When doing Edit –> Edit With, any associated endnotes story should open along with the story targeted for editing
This would be valuable because using this pathway, Edit -> Edit With, is a great workflow component for those like me who like to use InCopy for general editing of text; but because endnote text is in a different story to endnote reference markers, anyone using such a workflow cannot add endnotes to the text without switching back to InDesign.
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support languages of Vanuatu, which are currently very difficult to typeset, with no text flow
AFAICT, InCopy (and InDesign) do not currently support several writing systems, which makes font design for those scripts difficult. The avoiuli script of Vanuatu, for example, which is boustrophedon and can change from btm-to-top to top-to-btm. I'm working with a professional typographer, and trying to design a font that can't be implemented by any word processor that we know of means that a lot of choices in the design are probably not optimal. The best option currently seems to be placing a hard return at the end of each line, with manual RTL/LTR control, and sorting the lines in reverse…
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Username for inCopy Assignments
Please remove the function that demands a username assignment to each and every inCopy assignment that is exported. It is a ridiculously unnecessary function and completely inhibits workflow. This function, at the very least, should have a disable option. It ridiculously irritating.
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Changing the backgroung/page colour
I would very much like to be able to change the background colour in incopy. For example: a green page colour, with a silverish font colour. (the latter can be done already)
As a writer, I like to work on my own terms. So this would make me love incopy, and not just use it when I need to.1 vote
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