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153 results found

  1. indesign crashes when assembly -->> 5000 links to the assembly destination and not to the original path

    indesign crashes when assembly -->> 5000 links to the assembly destination and not to the original path, and 'cause it crashes... no picture files in the assembly path. Need to redo all my links !!!

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  2. To export personalized press books, to have a complete layout and be able to set aside non selected pages without removing them.

    To export personalized press books, it would be SO useful to enjoy a complete layout of all our work and just be able to set aside non selected pages without removing them before exporting the tailored document for a specific client. Of course, the pages numbers would have to automatically adjust themselves. Would this be possible? This would avoid saving many different versions after inserting and removing pages constantly.

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  3. INDD and Clarivate EndNotes

    Is there a way to import a Word document that has citations from Clarivate EndNote into InDesign that also imports the anchored text links? Right now, I have to create anchored hyperlinks for each citation and reference within InDesign. Layout would be much faster if they came in already linked.

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  4. Table of content number cross-reference option + Texte Hyperlink

    Hi all,

    Two option that can really be cool in TOC are :

    • an option to creat ''Cross-Reference page number''
    • an option to generate an hyperlink to the destination page for the TOC entry (Text and Page number)

    Like that, in bigger documents, with multi table of content (in my catalog project, I have a main TOC with all the section title + 1 TOC by section (with all the products titles and page number too). It could be great to generate those TOC automaticaly, and, have the number that are update automaticaly when we add or delete a page.

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  5. Importar pdf com várias páginas de forma automática

    Utilizo o script para importar pdf com muitas páginas, porém, as páginas importadas chegam no tamanho da minha página (ou até maior). Gostaria que ocorresse a importação de forma que as páginas importadas respeitassem as margens do meu documento.

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  6. Texto de tabelas auto ajustar (quando importadas)

    Trabalho com documentos longos (média de 500 páginas) e nesses documentos recebo centenas de tabelas. Muitas tabelas são numerais, e quando o número é maior que o tamanho da célula, o software trunca para um ponto vermelho e indica um erro, mesmo quando ainda existe espaço na página para ajustar o tamanho da coluna.
    O software poderia ajustar o tamanho da célula para caber o conteúdo escrito.

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  7. Selecionar vários objetos em várias páginas

    muitas vezes preciso diminuir o zoom para ter várias páginas na tela (faço isso para poder utilizar estilo de objeto em várias páginas), porém, tenho que selecionar 1 objeto por página para usar o estilo que configurei. Seria muito útil poder selecionar vários objetos em várias páginas para usar o mesmo estilo

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  8. text reflow

    When a document is really long (say 1000 pages) any new page break earlier in the document makes the document slow down as it clunks through the rest of the document. Is there a way to temporarily halt document reflows?

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  9. Glyphs reseting

    I use "Find/Change > Glyph" to replace some Bulgarian (BGR)/Russian (RUS) glyphs to Macedonian (MK) ones. But, when I ALT click on a altered paragraph style (with + sign next to it) which contains the MK glyphs -- they are reseted to BGR/RUS glyphs.
    Please, fix it.

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  10. Editable hyperlinks in imported .icml files

    Please let us edit hyperlinks in an imported .icml. We can edit paragraph/character styles as we wish since they are not counted as content. But the same applies for hyperlinks, or at least anchor text/pages hyperlinks.

    As of now whenever you import an .icml with an anchor text hyperlink the destination disappears.
    Incopy is useful also for people that update multiple documents where only small parts of text differ while the rest is the same, but must be update anyway so you end up only editing one of the very long files instead of 15 and you're sure that you…

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  11. Drop down menu mixed with replace feature for contacts/agreements

    Inside of InDesign, I'd love a way to use the drop down menu feature that when you select an option inside of there it replaces that word with the newly selected word throughout a document. This would be great for contract/agreements, or any long documents.

    For example the drop down menu could have "marketer", "consultant", "freelancer", etc. Then depending on which item you selected it would replace that word inside the document entirely!

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  12. Page number more accessible

    Could you add a button to the Pages panel to insert the page number? It's the logical place for new users to look.

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  13. There is no reference images regarding technical field. I want to add some of these images. let me know your reply..

    There is no reference images regarding technical field. I want to add some of these images. let me know your reply on my given email id,
    my id :

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