Make share button neutral
The new SHARE button is very blue. In Photoshop we have the option to make it interface colored. Same in Illustrator. InDesign dosen't.

Nekto commented
Sharewood Forest Carbon Neutral Button
Mike commented
Why do Illustrator and Photoshop allow us to make the Share button less IN MY FACE but not InDesign? Maybe Adobe can get their AI to do the difficult coding for them?
Tim commented
I don't want to make it neutral. I want to REMOVE it. Please give the option to remove it.
Apollo commented
It's 2024. Why are we be Share-Shamed yet again. LOSE THE SHARE BUTTON ADOBE. Or at least let us make it not blue, match the background like Illustrator and Photoshop. Why is this not done? Should be an easy fix. Make it so, like yesterday already.
Nilesh Parmar commented
The neon blue share button is super annoying and it makes me think that there is a notification.
FES commented
Bravo Adobe! I thought we were already done with that. In Photoshop, in Illustrator – don't you guys talk to each other?
Roxanne F. commented
The blue 'share' button is extremely distracting.
Please give us an option to hide it or make it grey. -
fixwhatsbroke commented
Share is a great feature.
Not being able to customize it's accessibility is not.
Barb Binder commented
Photoshop has "Neutral Color Mode" and Illustrator has "Match Brightness" to neutralize the Share button. It's time for InDesign to step up.
Mike Heath commented
I really really want this button neutralised. Please action this as soon as possible
lukas222 commented
so annoying.. it is the reason I work with previous version
cb commented
as Evan and others commented: so OBNOXIOUS, useless, intrusive, COMPULSORY unwanted **** from adobe. ridiculous!
Dad commented
Yes, please make the Share button optional. It is annoying and takes up space. It's something I never need to use.
Clif Watson commented
REALLY thought this would be taken care of in 2024 InDesign. But alas...we still wait.
Evan commented
So obnoxious and distracting. Entire interface is neutral so you can focus on your project, except for the big blue screaming button that I will never use, grabbing all my attention. What a complete joke—a design app that doesn't understand basic principles of design.
Serge commented
Hi, everyone! Take a look at this: it's just an empty screen in Adobe InDesign. Before we even get started, according to this screen, all we need to do is share files. This is driving me crazy. Imagine how difficult it is to work on designs with black and white or muted colors!
It appears that Adobe's UI designers have completely forgotten what they've learned and why they're doing their job. This is a great example of lost communication with clients and utterly unprofessional work. I won't even mention the non-removable "Adobe Stock" search field. They are essentially forcing us to use their services, and if we don't, we're stuck looking at this distracting element every second.
And that's not all – they don't even allow us to use older software, just before these incredibly 'useful' innovations were introduced.
The software is overloaded with unnecessary tools, it runs slowly, and there's no noticeable difference in interface response speed between now and ten years ago. And their solution? They add a non-removable "Share" button.
Superwork, what else to say...
Clif Watson commented
Acrobat allows for Share button removal which would be ideal across all Adobe apps. I would settle for changing the Blue just as Photoshop and Illustrator have allowed.
Anonymous commented
Having a "uservoice" page that you ignore is akin to putting window dressing on a jail cell. Remember Quark's hubris? Adobe has inherited it.
Get rid of the unbelievably ANNOYING blue button. What's going on with you people? Why do you shove this stuff down our throats with it's obvious that MANY hate this obligatory feature.
For shame, Adobe. Seriously.
L R commented
Or better yet ... just give me a way to hide that top toolbar. It just repeats stuff from the menu bar anyway and is unnecessary on a mac, taking up a ton of screen real estate for no reason.
Bonn commented
Give us the option to remove the share button completely. I will NEVER use it and Adobe making it as obnoxious as possible isn't going to change that.