Improving the various options of footnotes
In one of the latest versions of InDesign, endnotes have undergone a significant upgrade as they have become live endnotes than static endnotes. But unfortunately, the footnotes are left far behind.
We really ask that you rewrite the footnote feature so that the following features are possible:
1) Select all the footnotes at once (by Cmd + A or Ctrl + A)
2) Option to split footnotes into a number of columns is different from the main text (not just span footnotes but complete control over the number of columns)
3) Continuous footnotes in the same paragraph (run-in).
4) Possibility to add any decoration or title to the footnotes (and not just the 'Rule above')
5) Option for a different position of the footnotes on the page, and not just at the bottom (side notes)
6) Possibility to control the footnote settings for each story individually.

Nissim Elkabas commented
Extremely important !
וייס - הקלדה הגהה ועימוד commented
This is very very very important !!!
רחל יגלניק commented
very important! -- and PLZ add an option for run on foot notes to
יומולדת לאביתר commented
מאד חשוב ומשמעותי.
Harel commented
very very important!
Ari commented
very important!!
menachem zeev weingort commented
Please fix it!!
מיכאל כהן commented
אשמח מאוד מאוד מאוד
Charles Crofton commented
The span column or not choice is too limiting. On a 3 column page, I'd like to be able to span footnotes across two columns, and save space in the third. I'd also like to be able to control whether in such a setup, the footnotes position across columns one and two, or across columns two and three. As of 3/2022, if I don't span columns, my footnotes are starting in the second column, with one footnote thrown to the third. That doesn't make any sense. If they balanced, that might be somewhat acceptable, but there's no control over it at present.
בנימין צדוק commented
Please, I need it urgently, really begging
יוזף גלוק commented
Mendi commented
any news about it? -
Virgil Ierubino commented
Please add ability to control which text box the footnotes appear in.
I may have a separate text box with text that contains footnotes, but I still want those footnotes to appear with the other ones in the primary text box.
Yohn commented
Two columns, with footnotes,
Its Very difficult in Design,
Obviously InDesign is not built for that, which is a shame,
Because with a relatively small investment, it could have been improved -
Etay Sitbon commented
very very important
חשוב מאודדדד -
Riccardo Caliendo commented
Also multiple references for the same footnote
Carla Crafford commented
Option for footnotes to appear at the end of text frames/boxes - even if text frames are spread over two or more pages. As it is, the footnotes appear at the bottom of each page rather than at the bottom of the last page of text.
João Silva commented
All of this, please!
And also the option to have multiple references within the text that point to the same foot/end note. Perhaps a foot/endnote panel, like the cross-references, where the user can choose the settings for each foot/endnote?
Sholom Ber Gurary commented
RY commented
Also need the option to have multiple references within the text to to the same foot/end note text.