Ligatures - a completely stupid *OPTION* Adobe shoves down our throats
So, ligatures is rearing it's ugly head again.
I simply cannot fathom why Adobe feels the need to shove this option down our throats.
I am working with documents I have used in the past 2-3 months and now, I would guess a recent update to InDesign, the ligatures option is on by default and is now reformatting my documents for me.
Great. Thanks Adobe. Thought you were a professional software development company, clearly not.
Can you not understand the MASSIVE IMPACT this has on my workflow, now having to check all pages of all documents I am sending out to print? Can you imagine if one of your ligature-laced piece of **** hits my client's desk after they print 20,000 copies of it?
Abobe - what gives you the idea that we all WANT LIGATURES? Ligatures are nice for fancy type formatting, but I have absolutely NO CLIENTS who want to see this AT ALL. EVER.
Please stop pretending you know what's best for us. InDesign, Illustrator, and PhotoShop have gone through probably the worst year of **** since they were first developed. I could post a list 20 miles long on here detailing the bugs, omissions, failures of all of these apps.
Ligatures? What a completely kludge.
So, for anyone encountering this BUG. And it IS a BUG to have this turned on all by itself... when you launch InDesign, with no docs open, Character palette -> Option pop-out, uncheck ligatures.
Turn this OFF for ALL DOCUMENTS. And only turn it on if you absolutely need it.
Because with it ON - you will end up with some of the worst, stupid ligatures for characters you never thought could possibly be ligatured. Yeah, I said ligatured.
As in Adobe is freaking ligatured.

Samantha Ye commented
Not to mention, ligatures are digitally inaccessible to people using screenreaders and cannot be corrected by remediation software. The word "little" becomes "li[]le" for no reason at all and for some unfathomable reason, Adobe wants that as their default.
Baroquenz commented
Note: It's only just started doing this with the latest update.
I'm running CC on Windows 10 if that helps.
Baroquenz commented
PLEASE fix this stupid bug!
I can't turn it off globally and it affects ALL the documents I am working on, most of these are engineering and maths related so the results come out like gobbeldygook so this means I have to select every text block to turn the **** thing off so the text makes sense.
Completely stupid idea to make this a default which we can't get rid of. :-(
Karen Ruud commented
I’m having the exact same issue with CC2019. Just started happening in the past couple weeks on shared docs that we have been using for months. It is HUGE problem!