Import/export Share for Review comments
The new Share for Review feature is great. I've noticed though that once the file is moved, the comments are lost or no longer linked to the copy of the file. I have also seen that only one person has access to comments (although I have not tested this). This does not seem useful when you think about the workflow of an ad agency, where files are usually started by one person (say an art director), then passed along and finished by others (like a designer or studio artist). If comments can't be passed along with the document, it disrupts workflow. Can a future update have the ability to export and import comments into a document? Or perhaps include a checkbox for including comments when you package an InDesign file?

Maurice Williams commented
This is a necessary addition to any review feature
Kristen commented
Review links should be assigned to files not users- I should be able to see all the comments no matter if I created the review or not. Otherwise, it completely limits the ability of teams to work on files. Exporting comments for tracking purposes is a MUST for anyone who does client work.
Anonymous commented
We need the ability to export comments for record keeping. This would be a very useful feature.
Windsor Thompson commented
As a custom stationery business this would be an extremely helpful tool, but we will not be adding this to our processes until we can export the comments as we often need to refer back to them with our clients. With no way to refer back, then we have no "paper trail" and that can lead to all kinds of issues.
Hillary Dunlap commented
How is exporting comments from the review panel not an option?? Adobe literally makes everything and they can't let you export a pdf of the comments for tracking purposes. Come on Adobe, get on this. The review feature is great if you don't care about version history but without the export feature, this feature is unusable.
Dean Morrison commented
Yes - I just came across an instance where this would be helpful due to an error with Indesign losing the link to the Shared for Review file.
This or we need the ability to reconnect or link a InDesign File to an already published for Review file.
Anonymous commented
Yes - I second this! Definitely required to make this fully useful.