1st this Review feature is long overdue. other updates and features are also long overdue. Sharing needs to be easier!!! Many clients, producers, freelance artists and brand owners are not Adobe users and they do not adopt things they don't understand right away. we need a way to share and review work that isn't just recruiting for adobe. pay attention to your subscribers needs not more barriers. The subscription model has been the empty shell everyone feared it would be and you all have no motivation to update adequate solutions

Ben Toepel / Kartenhouse commented
This is implemented now. But it seems to me the devs don't read that much about the suggestions made regarding Share for Review.
Ward commented
How about a preference that sets the default to the Public option, with a checkbox option; "Deliver Warning message if no password set"?
Nathan Marroquin commented
An Adobe ID isn't required. You can set the review access to public, then anyone can view it and they don't need to sign in. For some added control you can also add a password.
Anonymous commented
Yes Yes Yes. I would love to use this new feature more but I can only share it with fellow designers in my company who have an Adobe ID, making the feature useless for me.
Whitney Bruscato commented
I've shared with several people who didn't need an adobe id?
GP commented
Agreed - this feature, at first take, seems like it'll make the review process much easier for me, but not my clients. It's forcing them to adopt something new, and they are not interested most of the time. Please eliminate the ID feature, or heck call it something else, or say "just need your email to confirm you're the intended recipient." I shared a test doc today with my teammates. They dread editorial reviews as it is, and the fact that they are asked for an ID or even a "login with ..." absolutely drives them bonkers.